R.Mika Video Thread: "I'll Totally Make This Look Cool!"


33 Wins! Welp!


As frustrating as it is to lose lp when someone rage quits, at least there is the peace of mind that you did win.

Didn’t Capcom say they wanted us to record and submit videos of rage quitters?

I hope Capcom does something about this situation quick. It shouldn’t be too hard to update the game to send message to the server if a game d/c’s but you didn’t. I remember SF4 at least showed a disconnect percentage… I wonder why that didn’t show up :\

ragequit when u perfected…u need to send that shit to capcom ASAP lol…

Fuudo Mika from about 45:00

Completely messed up this post will fix later lol

How are you supposed to time the whiffed move? Just right as they finally start to get up?

You do it as soon as you can. The time it takes for that move to wiff times the rest of the moves. So when you knock them down you do the s.mp and then command throw both as soon as you can, and if they do no recovery you will throw them as soon as they get up.

…Sorry, im dense… and I probably should’ve been more specific.

For the sake of clarity, lets just speak about example 4: The opponent takes his sweet time standing up after I’ve knocked him down with a peach. I dash over to him and just start mashing s.mp? I was able to throw out s.mp at least twice before opponent stands up. Isn’t this all supposed to be one input immediately following the next? I still feel liike I’m misunderstanding whats supposed to be happening.

You’re basically just throwing them off of what you plan to do next. Its a mind game like rock, paper, scissors.

So the full situation for no recovery is:
lp - mp xx shooting peach (this knocks them down) then you dash forward, f.mk (whiffs), s.mp (whiffs), throw.

The idea is that if they quick rise, the f.mk hits them. Also if they back quick rise the f.mk hits them because it travels forward.

If they don’t quick rise then the f.mk whiffs then there is a fixed amount of time before they get up. This is why the s.mp whiff. It is a time keeper.

Note - I’m not advocating this technique, I’m just explaining it. I find the timing isn’t perfect in this, as I was able to f.mk s.mp and whiff throw because they weren’t up yet…

Oh I see. You’re talking about hitting them meaty no matter the wake up timing or position. Set play vortex stuff. Disregard what I said in my last post @“Quick Man”




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La6ehhgaZKw lol

Okay, I that makes more sense then. Thanks


Finally played a top 100 player and happens to be my boy Flash…ended his 20 win streak tho lol

Here go a few Matches


Ran into that same Vega later on that night and got SWEET revenge


Much Props to the Birdie Player


Hello Silver =D


High Rank Replays



bear claw, bear claw bear claw just wow and <3!

Those high ranking Mikas are awesome! Is Claw still high ranking?? I know They’re known to be a really rampant rage quitter. Either way I like how that Mika handled that Sim.


Gief is tough lol

Couple more:

vs 801 Strider(Cammy)

vs DSC - Anatsuken(Ken)

In the Ken match you’ll see how effective Mika is in the corner.

FT5 set w Shakugan(Laura)
Part 1:

Part 2:

Double post