Racoon brought up that R.Mika is missing a fight id list. It is what R.Mika would do. So let’s make one.
known ids:
Racoon: PrismaticStar (zomg that is totally a wrestler name.), Brazil
Handred_Fist: JustVine (zomg more wrestler names.), USA (normally available every other day from 2-4pm cst)
PSN: DarkChildOfLight CFN: SnowbunnyMika United Kingdom
PSN:Clonedpickle (totally a wrestler name) CFN:Clonedpickle United States of America - Central time zone
PSN - S-Laughter (I don’t play on psn often) Steam ID - Shosuko1 CFN Shosuko / Rainbo-nana-Mika (usually on Shosuko)
PSN/CFN: syngin Location: Melbourne, Australia
CFN: Hardc0re Brazil
CFN/PSN: moraelgamed location: Currently Egypt (traveling warrior)
CFN/SRK : Sel_Feena PSN: Touhou_Fever location: UK
PSN: CrowMn CFN/SRK: BrianCrowMn (USA - Central)
CFN: olafredland
PSN : i_c_u_hater CFN: icuhater
PSN ID: Wolfkroneslineup CFN: RainbowImpact
PSN ID: c-hundred92 CFN: Prototype92 Location: USA (Eastern Time Zone)
PSN: soncis Location: Sweden
PSN: StoicStare82 CFN:StoicEbbs
PSN: Strike3rdgbr CFN: Strike3rd United Kingdom
PSN: AgentMadMonk CFN: MadMonk USA (CST)
PSN:andeRK83 CFN:baSick-USA CST |Gold league Nash|
psn: juiceciuj cfn: juiceciuj
Psn: frostymcgriddles (clearly the breakfast of champions) Cfn: Novganon
PSN: mls-227 CFN: GuestVillain U.S.(North Dakota) central time zone
Posting your name is obviously optional, but it’d be great to get some throw down time with fellow Mika’s. Mirror matches seem to be a weakness in many R.Mika players I’ve come across so this is a great way to get more experience with that as well. Use responsibly please. We want a friendly community that would make master Zangief proud right? Now go out and spread your Muscle Spirit!
P.S. Including your location is useful for those with bad internet to know if a connection will just result in frustration. I encourage y’all to hang out even if connection ain’t great and the online connections between countries has been good, but otoh some people’s internet just really can’t handle it. So please post your location with your other info (,if you feel comfortable with that obviously its all voluntary after all.)