R.Mika Beginners Thread: "All right! Let's begiiiin!"

Is her crush counter f.HP good for setting stuff up, other than its abysmal range? I’ve been fooling around with it in training and it seems like you can do some cool resets and mixups with it. From midscreen it’s: CC f.HP -> dash -> f.Hp -> EX Airplane for damage (around 310), CC F.HP-> dash -> f.HP -> light airplane to corpse hop, or CC F.HP, cr.HP as a reset. Get dirtier in the corner where you get more flexibility in what you want to land or reset with. If they aren’t super useful they are at least stylish.

I’ve seen people do CC f.hp > f.dash > f.hp xx f or b v-trigger (tap) into either ch.hk > ex.airplane or ch.hk into a bait/command throw/meaty mixup situation. some pretty nasty stuff

I’m using v-trigger for combo extensions and wingless airplane trap shenanigans. Anything else I am missing?

That’s awesome, I’ll have to practice that. I haven’t done much with Nadeshiko combos yet because I’m working on my basic combos and trying to just generally get the basics down.

Along those lines, anyone have tips for getting in/dealing with pressure as Mika? I’m having trouble overcoming the neutral game, particularly against characters like Ryu and Chun who have strong buttons on top of their fireballs and AA. Obviously supposed to be a weakness of grapplers but Mika doesn’t seem to have great ways to approach. Along those lines, how should I handle someone else going on the aggressive? It feels like most of my buttons (other than c.lk or f.hp if they’re super close) just get stuffed so I can only block block block. Which is smart during their string, but then it puts me right back into that problematic neutral game. Other than improving my weak AA game what should I do?

As a beginner what buttons/pokes should I try and do to get in close enough to command grab the opponent? Right now I’m pretty much just feeling out the buttons and doing random bnbs etc.

She has very few.

St.MK ; Good because you can control the distance so generally speaking, its hard to “predict”.

St.HK Slow, but can get you in. -4 on block isint too awful either.

Cr. HP gets you toward the opponent. Recovery is not too awful either at 17… -4 on block though if it connects.

She does not have buttons to play a worthwhile neutral game.

When you get close and the opponent blocks, how do you keep up pressure? R Mika’s low game is pretty bad so I’m seeing people just hold back against me for free. Very hesistant to cr.HK. They are sometimes walking out of follow-up pressure and especially HCB+PP straight up.

Gotta take risks to continue pressure?

Edit: thinking this isn’t too big an issue, can dash grab, st.HK charged, etc if they’re just holding back to put yourself back in there.

I’m seriously struggling with the neutral game too. I just can’t overcome it. I’m getting rushed down by basically every character and getting frustrated at a lack of options. Specifically I have nothing I feel I can safely do to close the gap. I’m loving Mika character, but I’m certainly sucking at playing her :\

I guess what I should try to do is stand during these closer exchanges, and hope my standing dash and standing mk can do better than the crouching versions. Hope I don’t get tripped too much…

Any new videos anyone’s made since release? All I see on youtube is beta footage, which idk if I can trust :slight_smile:

What should Mika’s oki and wake up be usually? Usually I just wake up and block because people try and meaty or I throw out a lp/lm but I know that’s wrong because of the priority system lol

Okay I definitely noticed 2 things in my last few matches that turned things around and gave me some control.
1 - best punish seems to be the ex shooting peach. I burn meter on this and feel it pays off. It has a hit of armor, so you can punish very well. If the first 2 hits don’t connect, it ends on the 2nd hit and isn’t too bad for recovery.

2 - standing normals are really where it is at for Mika. The jab comes out quick, and I got a lot of counter hits on it. A counter hit jab can combo into her target combo lk mp which can cancel into a medium or ex shooting peach. It can also cancel into a medium punch to passion press. This can open up good damage on hit confirm.

I definitely need to practice more, I haven’t played a fighter since sfxtk released. I’m feeling like I’m improving though, and that’s good ^_^,b

Scrubbiest question I can probably ask, I was playing against my friend last night who was playing as Laura and I was beating him consistently until he realized that he can just abuse crossing me up constantly and then I simply couldn’t beat him. So I guess my question is a two parter where I’m asking the best way to get better with anti airing, and also more specifically how to deal with Laura.

Cr.Mp… Command Grab at certain ranges… EX command grad…Cr.Mk is really good too.

Laura is a hybrid dash grappler. It’s ok not to be in someones face. Pick and choose your battles. It’s ok to not play. Walk her out, and once you get Laura in the corner, keep em there best you can. Also, you need to establish that your ground game is solid and you know how to punish her approch, Characters do not have save approach in this game. Meaning, you have to commit to every button you press. Dont settle for them coming in on you for free. A punish is advantage, and every bit counts.

Thanks man, I’ll try this out when I get home.

For fireball characters cr.rh slide works great to slide under fireballs. Especially Laura fireball pressure. After a couple slides the usually jump which sets u up for cr.mp aa then dash under for cross up or throw some cr.lk to push them away to set up ur jlk crossover game. Jlk s.lk s.mp s.hp butt slam/ex. Still haven’t played with her trigger set ups. Been toying with v skill to. Absorb a fireball then throw the mic. Follow with empty jump in into command throw usually works

Also according to gootecks mp can cancel into ca. At work now and can’t try but I well later. Loving the mika so far

Meeged double post

It works fine, but you have to be as close as possible to get it to work, otherwise the punch pushes the opponent back too much and you wiff the ca

Interesting thanks. And dies anyone else think her command throw is highly mediocre at best? At least compared to zeif/hugo sf4. The whole game in general seems slower and mashable. Maybe that’s how it was intended. Haven’t played with zeif yet. I played fuerte in 4 so mika appealed to me

Her Rainbow Typhoon (HCB+P) has a very good range and damage but basically gets the opponent out of your pressure. Her Brimstone (HCB+K) has a relatively demanding/risky range and much less damage but it keeps the opponent close and, often, in the corner.

Like most characters’ command grabs, they’re mainly for opening people up or punishing people who aren’t giving you an opportunity to frame trap them. You can’t rely on them, if you play R Mika with the focus of landing a command grab you will probably have a bad time. Much like you’d have a bad time if you only went for attacks with R Mika; she’s not terribly plus on most of her normals, nor does she have an overhead or amazing walk speed, so she needs some deterrent besides normal pressure to open players up.

I like to back off a little and fish with f hp as well.

Actually, you can do CA as a link after MP, no need to cancel. This gives more time to see the hit confirm.

If you have full stock, you can do the handy lp counter poke strategy, i.e. wait for someone to jump in with a string, lp poke them out of it that gives you a counter hit. Then you can link into mp, then see it hit, recover and link into CA.

When I found out you could link CA rather then cancel, it made it much easier for me to confirm it. Of course it leaves you a little further away after the mp into CA, but it connects always for me after an opponent does jump in attack, 1 hit, then I get the counter lp.

Just rage quitted survival. As a newbie, I feel that playing that boring shit over and over again is like throwing everything I learned down the toilet.