R.I.P YusukeUrameshi, aka Yusuke_The_Detective

Damn I know I sonned him alot for being a weeaboo and LARPing as an anime character on a message board but I wouldnt wish death upon him :frowning:

R.I.P. May he reincarnate as a actual cartoon in his next life

Thatā€™s a hell of a thing to find out. Rest in peace.
He seemed like a positive fella from them posts.

he was one of my favorite people hereā€¦

Back in my old job, we would watch old school cartoons during lunch break. When we finished BATMAN:TAS, I suggested Yu Yu Hakusho mainly because I be seeing @Yusuke_The_Detective av and wanted to check out what it was about. We had a blast; that Toguro vs Yusuke fight was hype. I didnā€™t want the series to end.

R.I.P. man.

Dude was a cool poster from what I remember, didnā€™t know him well at all tho

Regardless, Rest in Heaven.

Dude was a pretty cool cat. Sucks that we didnā€™t really find our (or at least remember) about his passing until now.


SRK just found out about his death earlier today.

Itā€™s fucked up that his passing went unnoticed for 6 months.

R.I.P Never knew the guy personally but he was chill and always had those great avatars of YuYu and the crew. Man his last tag on his profile really hits home. Going to hug my son extra hard next time i see him.

:frowning: what??? noooā€¦dude noā€¦wtf r.i.p no wordsā€¦im sorry damn.

He took his licks in stride and had a good sense of humor

Sucks. Always keep your inhaler handy.

(Iā€™d like to know more about what happened, but the same time, I donā€™t think have any actual right to ask.)

Regardless, this is unfortunate to come back to today. Iā€™ll keep this brief since I didnā€™t really know the guy, but he generally seemed like he was genuinely positive about everything, which is a rarity. Given how Iā€™m pretty much the opposite, which is part of why Iā€™ll keep this brief, Iā€™ll say that I think the leastā€“and really only thingā€“I can do is sticky this thread until at least the end of the year like I did for Shatterstarā€™s cancer thread.

Iā€™m not sure how long it will get to stick around, but I figure that itā€™s legitimately deserving to be at the top of GDā€™s front page for a while given how long it took for us to find out the bad news.

Iā€™ll keep what would otherwise be a rant brief as well, but thatā€™s the illusion of todayā€™s supposed ā€œconnectivityā€ for you. The Internet can do a great many things, but it doesnā€™t substitute for actual human contact and information. Itā€™s part of the reason why Iā€™ve never gotten into social media. It all just seems so fake unless youā€™re also actually friends or at least associates with that person in real life, ā€œnetworkingā€ included.

Now, this is neither an attempt to say that people in here are lying about liking the guy nor an indictment against DJ Hyper Kid or Phantom Angel or anyone else who actually ā€œknewā€ him beyond just SRK yet didnā€™t find out until recently. Instead itā€™s just a reminder that stuff like this happens all the time and is only going to happen more and more as life gets more and more absorbed the Internet, especially since only way these things get officially taken care of quickly is if you have some type of will with regards to your electronic dealings; the alternative is someone in your immediate family doing it, which I doubt would apply to SRK for the majority of us.

Either way, itā€™s another unfortunate example why you should try to get wills done as soon as possible even if you donā€™t like to think morbidly, at least if you think stuff like this is important.

Didnā€™t really know much of the guy but he seemed like a really chill dude from his posts. People dropping dead suddenly always leave a massive feeling of emptiness. I wondered what happened to him and Iā€™ll definitely miss his posts.


RIP good sirā€¦you will be missed

The only other person besides me who at least have PAā€™s back in the Lounge on occasionā€¦and still call him out when he was reaching.

RIP Yusuke.

Oh wow. This is so tragic, I donā€™t even know what to think. My condolences to all who knew him.

He always seemed like a fun-loving and passionate poster. I liked how he would always reference Yu Yu Hakusho, as itā€™s one of my favorite anime series.

Rest In Peaceā€¦

May his memories live on in the halls of SRK GD. We da best.
Always sad to hear guys leave :frowning:

R.I.P. Yusuke, hope youā€™re enjoying that big retirement party with Koenma, Botan and Jorge in the sky.

Wow, 2015 sucks.

2015 is certainly full of unexpected surprisesā€¦I might not know him at all compared to the rest of you guys, but I want to at least give my condolences.

I talked to his roommate. Basically what happened is that in the middle of the night he was having issues breathing. They rushed him to the hospital, where he passed in the morning of June 18 after doctors were unable to revive him.

@ā€œThe Damnedā€ - thanks for the words man. I knew him because he was a part of the Chicago fgc. I for real thought that he was just taking a break, hence why he never hit up when I called, or texted him.

I mean all I can say is that regardless of internet or not we are a community and it sucks to see one of our brothers or sisters move on. I know I will be coming to more majors to meet everyone.