R,D semifinals Last Chance Cua Club...Magic Center

its a little boring because in a finals everything results dificult to perform u know.
but enjoy it anyways…and comment:wink:


finalLastChance Uploading…

I wonder who would of won if the A-groover knew how to rc cause that K-groover was fireball happy. and the A-groover needs to learn how to better his AA situations, as in pick the right AA’s.

Why play A if you cant RC and do customs consistently?

I give the K groove props just because he woke up with shout of the earth. Best super in the game

Last Chance Final…

Heres the final.

and the A-groover needs to learn how to better his AA situations ?
Tell about that please.

my RC is not that good.

He was very defend/defend he needs to be defend/offend.

defend/defend = defend and block all day not using AA or anything seeming like stradegy.
defend/offend = defend and using normal/command/rc AA’s, wake grab/rc/command grab (if your character has any) for combo set ups.

He was being crossed/rushed most of the time. Learn how to rc, if they jump at you then jump with them and AA them if your ground AA is not working too well, figure out when you need to take that leap and hit on your opponent when they run at you, and I don’t know why but he didn’t try to wake up electricity even it’s not rc’d. The fact that he didn’t try anything to stop his rush is beyond me. His cc’s are horrible for the fact that he couldn’t finish them the way they should be done. K-groove is never suppose to have an advantage on A-groove since A-groove is K/P-grooves worst match up. To put it simple in terms, that A-groover is not at that K-groovers league yet.

Final match- that is what is suppose to happen to K-groovers fighting an A-groover. His PTF needs work even though you can see that his bison has a lot more time in of training compared to his sak and blanka.

wow…but thanks

im (kicks) the A.groover.:sweat:
uuff thanks to be so direct. im gonna reflex on those mistakes and try to polish more my gameplay against k.groovers.

mm… there is another thing u should know. the thing is i play cvs2 ps2 version with ps2 pads…so rc is fck discomfort there.and believe me is a long story why here we still play cvs2 ps2 version with ps2 pads. so i am not the suitable person to tell this story.

i hope contributing something with the videos.:nunchuck:

THX very much for the tips.

buy sticks.

I didn’t like ur vid…i’ll actually post some constructive criticism tho for a change:

-u guys dont block enough
-sak doesn’t hit confirm well
-ryu isn’t ANGRY enough…when sak had him in corner while he was raged, and she kept poking with s. rh a billion times, I woulda busted out a random lvl3 Shinku HADOOOOKEN in her face faster than i can beat the meat. I don’t think u have gotten that k-groove + safe supers = random time.
-don’t use a-groove if u cant CC or RC
-dont do random fireballs with Sak, so that Ryu has enough time to jump OVER u, then c. forward xx shinkuu…that’s just sad…in other words play safer + smarter, and practice baiting stuff out better, instead of randomly hitting buttons
-blanka needs to learn to RC ball through stuff like c. jab, c. rh xx Hadoken
-Ryu needs to learn to anti-air when Blanka jumps in…s. rh > any Blanka jumpin
-general observation…stop being so god damn random, and start thinking about what ur doing, and its obvious that since ur not used to playing at a smart level, learn that first, then make it instinct/reflexive whatever, and start applying that shit…way too much random shit. For example, just cause ur in range for a slide with Blanka doesn’t mean u have to go for it. Think about what type of player your opponent is (masher, defensive, random WHATEVER), and modify ur play style to beat the player. If your opponent sucks, do stupid shit that rapes him, and if he’s smart, CUT BACK on the stupid shit and play safe.
-with Blanka, I suggest u guys learn to hold down/back more, and advance using the jab Ball or roll, and be more methodical.
-ONCE AGAIN, LEARN TO CC…that Bison cc was atrocious, and then the Blanka’s random super was also atrocious…plz stop doing random supers, and LOOK at what ur opponent is doing…
-with Blanka AND Bison u guys need more mind games…like Blanka just does c. short x 4…for what? It doesn’t do shit psychologically or ingame…just useless imo, mix it up with maybe c. short, wait throw, or c. short, then crossup forward, walk up jabs, throw, or walk up jabs, c. forward xx hop, throw SOMETHING tricky to make ur opponent fear u somewhat…and the Bison? Just keeps doing jabs into throw, or some weak guard crush string, then nothing. LEARN BISON’S GUARD CRUSH STRING ON BLANKA!! iirc crossup ROUNDHOUSE (more guard damage), c. forward, c. jab, s. strong xx short Scissors.
-with Bison, stop walking back and doing random SK’s, i tend to do them cause i know spacing to make any of them hit just once, but it’s pretty useless a lot of times, unless they’re running/walking forward. Instead, vs Sagat, USE BISON’S FOOT SPEED and play footsies with s. strong and ESPECIALLY use his footspeed to get in range for a nice juicy crossup on big tall manbeast Sagat! Then use the Blanka guard crush string which iirc also works on the big beast…which is once again CROSSUP RH, C. FORWARD. C. JAB, S. STRONG xx SHORT SK.

SK Random.
in other way my Bison do ramdon sk because k.groove run man and bison doesnt have a fireballs to throw away to push them back from long distance.so with this i push them to make me build some bar gauge,restore my guard damage and others stuff.i know this is not usefull all the time but it helps to begin intimidate your opponent on the ground. specially against K.sagat and k.blanka because sometimes they run for catch some vital or build meter doing JD. A.groove meter its running up to.

bisons foot speed i like that sht man. o sorry im latin american so that sounds cool. i throw my enemy in her faces so many times. here we call it Militarmente.

well thanks again i hope polish more my gameplay.

comment please…

Enjoy the casual matchs…and i hope to see some vids from there. or are u guys cold as ice.:china:

New CvS2 Casual Match from R,D…comment please.

I watched one of the new casual matches, too random dude. I think a video is worth a thousand words, so look up matches with buktooth and John Choi. Those are some of my fave cvs2 players cause they play with a purpose, they play solid, they aren’t random (they have their moments), and they play text book when it comes to what their characters should be going for.


Cambpell is the randomest fool ever!!!

…and John mashes…even in his sleep.

I think they play with the purpose of being random and mashing…but that is exactly what their characters should be going for.

rofl omg lies…dude buk is not random and choi is def not random, but he does mash sometimes i admit

No lies. I play them all the time…RANDOM

…top player secret = going stupid random AND knowing what to do when random shit hits.

that’s a good tip actually…