Quotes from Marvel VS Capcom 2

Trying to find a site that has all the popular quotes from this game. Otherwise, maybe start one here (if it hasn’t been started yet) and just put out some of the more popular/favorite quotes of each fighters… (especially one for all of Magneto’s; his is classic).

Iceman vs Magneto:

Narrator: "The battle for survival begins… ENGAGED!"
Magneto: "Welcome to Die."
Iceman: “Ice Beam!” “Ice Beam!” “Arctic Attack!” "Ice Beam!"
Magneto: "Magnetic… TEMPEST!"
Narrator: "K-O! You win."
Magneto: "Begone."
Narrator: “Oh man, I almost had a heart attack!”

what the fuck is this shit??

This thread is terrible.



aha I got some:

“Welcome to Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes”

“CAPCOM!” (when you put in a coin)