do what i do and ignore any comment that isn’t “ggs” or annoying. If i’m playing a random, i usually don’t say anything.
I also think zaspacer hit the nail on the head with his write up. But seriously man just turn off your mic unless it is people you know. I am so mad and I say things but it is more for myself. So to avoid any miscommunications I leave my mic off. I am even getting to the point where if there is lag I wont say anything. If I feel it is that bad I just leave after I lose or win.
Also I agree in that you shouldnt avoid playing bad people. If that were the case no one would ever be good or have anyone to play. With that you have to be able to recognize bad players and then find ways to benefit playing against them. Try different things, etc.
Dont quit something you truly enjoy doing man. You have to live life for you not others.
What ever you do take care.
Err what mic are you talking about?
the moment you take online gaming seriously = u fail
Online SF is dat new crack. Whether it’s ST on GGPO or HDR on PSN/XBL, life is good right now. You shouldn’t be quitting. You should be enjoying it more than you EVER did.
(AE or HF on XBL sucks tho, sorry guys)
This one dude ragequit on me and I called him out in ggpo lobby.
<Anakron> ragequit
<ITSGOINGDOWN> lag tactic
<Anakron> lag tactic? your ping to me is 18 ms, you probably live down the block
I faced Redneck Rampage or Red Neck Rampage, something like that, and I beat him one round and he immediately starting flaming me for lagging and being a scrub, and then he quit after losing the second round (and therefore the match). He had a 40ms ping and was the best connection that I had had that day. If you’re going to rage quit after one match on 40ms connections then why even play GGPO?
Meanwhile someone from France, who I had a much worse connection to, played against me for an hour despite the noticeably higher input delay. No complaints from either of us. Just casual playing.
GGPO, like most online games, when you play against random people, is a crap shoot for how mature the person is going to be. And now with the flood of HDR and SFIV players having joined GGPO, the quality of player and the overall maturity level, at least amongst English speaking players, has gone down considerably in my opinion.
I feel you bro, I go through the same thing, pondering if I should quit or not, cause no one likes to get bashed like that. It aint easy to win with Guile so they should know that it takes a lot of work to win vs top tier characters like Chun, rog, vega, and ryu at high level play , instead of flaming you. Real talk bro.
I shall keep you in prayer my brotha.
this thread is pure BS, maybe the ammature players are more likely to be american than other nationality. Play agsinst FUZ from the UK, or play me and lets see how many wins you get. I’m also guile player and guile certainly doesnt suck.
are you serious? ok welcome to internet, lesson #1- not everyone is nice, people like to talk trash and bitch its funny just ignore it, there are people called trolls, they’ll try to provoke people for no reason, also a good source of humour. You have to take GGPO with a pinch of salt. If someone complains then call them out and tell em to stop being a baby. At the end of the day there are a lot more friendly people on GGPO than there are dickheads. And don’t take it too seriously its all in fun…most of the time.
I find this thread amusing and sad, don’t really know what to make of it. Hmm. I must say, I have played a lot of matches on GGPO and never had a problem, even when I crush folks.
Nobody cares. This thread is as useless as this post.
I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Almost everyone runs into people who are jerks online, its just the way it is. One way to deal with it, just play with people you know and others you know who won’t spoil your fun for the game. Thats the best way to avoid feeling annoyed about playing ST online or any game for that matter.
Jus jumped back into plaing HDR after a long time. Looks like i should give GGPO a try, but my ping sucks cuz I live all da way in the Caribbean
Wow why would you decide to quit playing a game you love all because some people start hating on your for whipping that ass? If anything it gives me more drive to KEEP WHIPPING THAT ASS!
Personally if your seriously that sensitive about trash talkers making excuses about how they can’t beat your guile, then maybe you should seriously consider quitting ST cause your really
making the situation a lot more serious than it is.
Dek0r is trash lol Anyway the term “SRK’er” is dead to me since 70% of SRK is new people since the release of SF4