Quite honestly, wiki doesn't answer some of my questions!

ex: what does more damage yoga fire or flame? whats better for meaty? or followup after noogie? jab yoga flame or fp yoga flame for meaty??

is up jump lp useful at all? whats the diff b/w yoga head drill and yoga lk drill?

wuts the point of blanka’s super?

which super does the least damage?

what use is sim’s c. close punch/kicks?

Interesting you should say that. I’m going to make a thread in here asking people to tell me the things they want added (In this way, the wiki will serve a stronger purpose faster), and I’ll do the leg work and put it on the wiki.

These sound like excellent questions for Alex Wolfe…

But I’ll answer the ones I know.

Flame. And this was something you could have easily tested yourself. Start a Sim vs. Sim match, have P1 do a Yoga Fire to P2, then have P2 do a Flame to P1. See who loses more life.

Depends on the opponent and the situation, but in general I think Flame is usually better. For example, against Ryu, you wouldn’t want to do a Yoga Fire, because he could just hurricane kick through it.

I’d say Fierce. If it’s blocked, it has the same recovery as Jab, but if it hits, it does more damage than Jab.

They have the same damage and same recovery, but different hit boxes.

Pretty much the only thing it’s good for is a block-damage kill, or anti-air.

Between Sim’s and Blanka’s? Technically Blanka’s does more damage, but that’s assuming you can get all 5 hits to connect, which is hard to do in a match. (FYI, Blanka’s does 60%, Dhalsim’s does 55%.)

They have great priority, they’re fast, they’re cancelable, and you can link them together…?