Quick question (regarding the XBLA/PSN port)

I checked and couldn’t find a recent thread but this has been bugging me:

What are the major differences between the XBLA/PSN and the DC versions? I know the first released had that Cable unblockable but I thought that was patched out.

it was. magneto’s tempest did too much chip or none at all too at first but that patched.

IIRC blackheart and guile are a bit buffed (i think BH has faster recovery on pillar/demons hold longer?), no gambit glitch, cyclops infinite is like impossible to do, chun is worse, ROM has to be done higher off the ground, no slowdown during triple DHCs, also in general combos are a bit harder to do, the game is kind of…stiffer? for lack of a better word. fast flies are waaay easier on DC than psn, and psn (for me) is easier than xbl.

there’s more, but id ask preppy or magnetro or someone who would really just know the game at that super technical level

There a thread with most of the info stickied bros.