I recently bought a playstation3 and SSF4. I have noticed the standard controller doesnt pick up all the buttons I press if I try a combo. Is there a problem with my remote control or a setting in the PS3 I need to change? Basically if i just do simple Lpunch Mpunch Hpunch It will either do the first two actions or the first and last as if I never pushed the Mpunch button. Ive tried pushing the buttons fast and slow and not all the buttons I use register with my character. This makes completing the challenge area impossible. Anyone else have issues with the standard PS3 controller and executing combos?
I just want to make sure it isnt a problem with my system.
Would it be easier with a fightstick. I watch guys use fight sticks and it looks like they move slow as a turtlebut they still hit the combos. Mine doesnt even pick up what I press if I do it quick or slow it down. I guess I just suck!!! LOL
Thanks guys that helped alot! I am able to do combos now. Before I was doing it to fast so it was almost like pushing two buttons at once! Thanks for all the help!!!