Quick NOOB PS3 question?

I recently bought a playstation3 and SSF4. I have noticed the standard controller doesnt pick up all the buttons I press if I try a combo. Is there a problem with my remote control or a setting in the PS3 I need to change? Basically if i just do simple Lpunch Mpunch Hpunch It will either do the first two actions or the first and last as if I never pushed the Mpunch button. Ive tried pushing the buttons fast and slow and not all the buttons I use register with my character. This makes completing the challenge area impossible. Anyone else have issues with the standard PS3 controller and executing combos?

I just want to make sure it isnt a problem with my system.

Your system will be fine it is just your execution keep practicing and you will get it. some of the timings on this game can be very strict.

Would it be easier with a fightstick. I watch guys use fight sticks and it looks like they move slow as a turtlebut they still hit the combos. Mine doesnt even pick up what I press if I do it quick or slow it down. I guess I just suck!!! LOL

Training mode > Training Options > Input Display ON should answer your question.

ok Thanks alot… thats right it will show if its receiving the data. Thanks

Thanks guys that helped alot! I am able to do combos now. Before I was doing it to fast so it was almost like pushing two buttons at once! Thanks for all the help!!!