Quick fightstick question

Hello first and for most hope all are doing well.
Well i just brought a new fight stick for my 360 but soon i will be getting a ps3 as well and i was wondering is there a way to get a 360 fight stick to work for a ps3?

If you’re comfortable with modding, the best and most reliable way is to get a ChImp board (scroll down to the ChImp section):

Otherwise you’ll have to get an XCM Cross Battle Adapter or something similar:
XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus

Problem with the XCM is that it suffers from a lot of lagged/dropped inputs. The ChImp mod is cheaper and better, but significantly more complex and risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. Hope that helps.

I would say simply choose a system to play on until you can afford another fightstick. TE’s can be expensive, but they can also be remarkably inexpensive; sometimes as low as $80 dollars new when bought at special events (PAX, EVO, any event Madcatz attends, etc.), or possibly less if you buy used. It will cost you about the same to mod.

Yeah modding your stick can end up costing nearly the same amount as getting a second stick…but I like the idea of one cab to take anywhere and it will work.

So i modded a 360TE with TEasy + DualStrike boards. No soddering required. Check the existing threads in the tech talk forums if your interested.

Modding would be the best way to go. If you don’t know what you’re doing, I would highly recommend you start brushing up on some guides and study for at least 1-2 weeks before attempting modding. While simple mods like button and joystick swapping as well as installing a TEasy isn’t awfully difficult, a small mistake could break your stick or deform it in some way if you don’t understand the material you’re reading or are too eager.

Your best teacher is experience and if you aren’t feeling confident, either find a modder around your area or buy another stick before attempting modding. I’m sticking with simple mods as of now before I attempt a TEasy mainly because if I do destroy it, I have no stick. Once I have another stick, I’ll feel more comfortable, but that’s just my personal experience.

The best way to get modding experience is to buy SE’s and mod them. Once you’ve modded them without any issues, a TE shouldn’t be any different or at the very least, too different.