[QUESTIONS] Corner fake cross up, mid combo meaty, jd.mk corner direction

Hi, I have several questions about this awesome character.

  1. Fake cross ups with j.hp. Which characters does it work on, and why does it look like it only works in the left corner? Capcom please.
  2. Mid combo meaty. I managed to pull off a late hitting st.hk against Yang in the corner, couldn’t do it another time though. What can you link that into, and also… How?
  3. jd.mk corner direction. Opponent is in the corner, I forward throw him. Then I do forward jump, jd.mk before hitting the ground… And now, where do I hold up if I want to get back toward the center of the stage? It looks like it’s character specific. Any list, somewhere?

Thanks a lot to whoever takes the time to answer me!

  1. They can work on anyone anywhere really (influenced mainly by character size and their middle line), but yes there are differences between the left and right corner. Air Ryu does a video explanation regarding this and their properties.
  2. You can link ultra after meaty s.hk, s.mk and c.lk. A meaty setup for non DWU is fthrow, j.mp, c.lk. The c.lk should be meaty and you can ultra or s.hk after it. Ryu Apprentice has some good videos on his channel regarding this.
  3. The way the directions work with a jumpover pogo after knockdown is determine by if the opponent is still laying on the ground or not.
  • So if they’re laying then you do it away from the enemy to go towards them
  • If they are no longer laying down and are rising or standing then you point your stick towards them.
    There is no list so you’ll have to just practice per character on DWU and non DWU.

This is just all my understanding though, I may be incorrect somewhere so your best option is to read through the forums, get a note taking App like Evernote, try things in training mode and write all your learnings down.