I know what your getting at i.e. Chun (3s).
But I said one well placed forward, not Forward > Super. If Chun does not have a super, the value of her forward in a fight goes down. In ST every move matters.
Example, Guile Vs. DJ.
This match is pretty equal over all. It comes down to each others zone with SB’s. All of DJ’s moves on the ground beat Guile?s moves or trade DJ?s Favor: Cr. Fierce, Cr. Strong, Cr, forward, Cr. Round House, all are very powerful.
For guile to win, he has to push forward slowly in the match, stand right out side sweep range and wait for DJ to stick a move out in anticipation to beat guile’s Cr. Forward, when DJ sticks out a move, Guile hits DJ’s move with ONE Cr. Forward.
Now Guile has a lead in life, it is highly doubtful DJ, will damage Guile with throwing fireballs. Guile just keep cancelling them with SB’s.
So, DJ is forced to come in. It changes the entire game for DJ. There is NO easy way to try and make up that damage. Coming in on Guile is a easy way to a fast death. DJ, can’t run away and build meter for a easier super (Yun/GinieJin) or unblockable cc (akuma/A3) to make up that life. He has to earn it. If he makes one mistake while trying to make up the “forward” kick lead in life guile has, he’s eating a flash kick, and is even more behind and more desperate.
Another example: Ryu Vs. Guile:
Same general setup, but RYU has to stay out side of Guiles Cr. Forward range, But close enough for guile to think it can hit (like one/ two pixels). He waits for the forward to whiff and punishes with a Cr. RH.
Now, again… Ryu has a lead in life, and the Guile is forced to play outside his zone. It changes the entire game for Guile. There is NO easy way to try and make up that damage. Leaving his zone is risky for Guile. And again, he can’t run away and build meter for an easier/overpowered super (Yun/GinieJin) or unblockable cc (akuma/A3) to make up that life.
In the new games, less importance is placed each move you choose to execute. B/c if you get hit or make a bad guess, you can run away and build meter for a high% high damage super combo/cc that will easily will make up for the loss of the life from getting hit from the crouching forward.
Just look at most of the CVS2 finals, 3s, and A3.
In cvs2, most of the finals come down to two players sitting on a CC waiting for one little move from there ememy, so they can activate thier CC and take off over 7000 points of life. There is no incentive to play hit for hit. You just build up your meter as fast as you can, and go for your CC over and over. It doesn?t matter if the opponent has a lead in life. B/c once you get that meter, one easy cc. gives you a HUGE combo. Shoot, the opponent can even block it and loss 50% their life (Sak?s sho sho sho vs. ANY P/K groove)
In 3S. You get the Yun?s, Chun?s, Uren?s all running away to build matter for their crazy supers. They don?t care if they get hit by some random normals, B/c once they get their meter, there is a high % that they are going to do A LOT of life to their opponent.
In A3, V-Akuma has a CC?s that is UNBLOCKABLE from any where on screen. (there are many Chars with unblockabe CC’s but not from any where on screen) He just runs away builds it, and uses it over and over again. Look at the absolution 2004 Videos. Again he doesn?t care if he gets hit a couple of times with a random normal. As soon as he gets his meter, there is a high % you are loosing a lot of life.
This doesn?t exist in the older SF?s, at least not this depth and degree. Every move matters. Ever pixel of spacing matters. There s no easy damage. One simple crouching forward ,not canceled into SA III, but a simple cr. Forward can change an entire game.
If Chun hit Yun with a cr. Forward in the begging of a match, just a simple non canceled Cr. Forward would Yun care??
If A-groove Sakura hit A-Hibik with one Standing RH in CVS2 in the begging ot the match, would A-Hibiki care much?
If V-Dhalsim hit V- Akuma with one St. Forward in A3 in the beginning of a match, would it matter much?
Now if Guile hit Ryu with one crouching forward, in the beginning of a match, would it matter? It would matter more than any of the examples listed above.
If Ryu hit Guile with a Cr.rh in ST, in the beginning of a match, would it matter? Yes.
One throw matters in ST, one uppercut, one flash kick, one spinner, even one JP. RH. Everything matters.
Don’t get me wrong, I know there is a point where your low on life in any SF game where every hit starts to matter.
But, in OG SF the whole match is like that.