Question for my KOF SRKers from a SF player/KOF newbie

So, I really wanna get into KOF, and have no idea where to start. I was thinking maybe KOF 11? I played KOF '99 on PS1 back in the day when I was a kid, but that hardly counts. My question for you guys is, is the difference between the different games like SF where SF1, SF2, SFA, SF3, and SF4 were so big that the community are essentially divided between them (IE: SFA’s ISMs, SF3’s parring system, SF4’s focus attack, etc.) or are they more or less the same with tiny changes? If it’s the latter, should I just start off and wait for KOF 13 or should I check out the others first? Which would you recommend? What are the differences? Thanks.

They’ve made all sorts of changes to the game systems over the years, but the most played versions are the ‘dream match’ games (98, 2002, 98UM, 2002UM), which have many of the same core system mechanics. KOF XIII is primarily modeled after these games, and is most closely related to 2002UM. It features a custom combo mode called Hyperdrive mode, which is very similar to MAX mode in KOF 2002 and 2002UM, the main difference being that it uses a separate Hyperdrive meter, rather than the normal super meter. KOF XIII also has some similarities to KOF XI in the juggle mechanics and leniency of inputs, but it is otherwise not very similar.

You can check out #SNKPlaymore on EFnet to talk about the games or find people to play with.

I would try out the older games, but getting into XIII isn’t so tough really. As long as you have a good command over your execution, you can get it down. There is a big issue with some moves being different or removed from older games so they don’t play similarly, but the mechanics and the basic flow of the matches are about the same.

KOF 11 is also a great start and new copies are cheap to find in the US.

Oh, okay. So what about the feel of the game? Is it like SF where Alpha was more juggle-ie, SF2 and 4 are slower and SF3 is more fast-paced, or do they all feel about the same?

Play 98,02, 02UM if you want to prepare yourself for XIII. You’ll find some good competition on #snkplaymore.

02 feels faster than 98 but some of the chain timings feel wonky compared to the mostly universal, consistent timing that 98 has.

All I could say is just play the games and try it out for yourself and see how they feel.