I play SSF4AE from South Australia on PS3 and its near impossible to play ranked matches. 0.5-1 sec delay on inputs its just horrible. Quite frustrating.
is there anything i could do to improve this. my internet is more than fine. it just seems to be an issue with SSF4…
would changing my PS3’s region help at all? (would it connect me to different servers? i don’t mind fighting non English players)
are the PC or Xbox networks for online play any better than ps3 from AUS?
don’t really want to spend $$ to buy Xbox and PC versions just to test it out and find out that its the same or worse
any advice would be appreciated.
…I suspect it would be the same, the netcode is horrendous. You should probably look for another game if playing fighting games online is your only option. This thread should give you some ideas:
I would use GGPO if I were you but someone from Australia could probably give you better advice than me.
kinda sad to hear that the net code really is that bad : /
after 21 years of playing SF its pretty frustrating not even being able to perform the stock combos due to lag :_(
thanks for the reply. ill give the other thread a read tomorrow. I’m going to sleep.
guess i can always hope that they improve it in the next SF game they release… other games seem fine… stupid Capcom!
What kind of TV do you play on? Playing on a CRT can make a huge difference, but if the difference between playing offline and online on your current set-up is that great, then it might not help that much.
SF4 netcode is ok, not great, but even if you have great internet the lag becomes a problem when you’re playing people 500-1000+ miles away.
its defiantly internet lag… thought it only seems to be an issue with SSF4 and SSF4AE every other game i play online is very responsive and accurate. SF4 is unplayable with the input delay I’m getting. Like someone can throw a fireball from across the screen and i can instantly hold up (jump) and the fireball will travel all the way across the screen and hit me before it registers my jump
i also have the match making setting set to ‘stable’ but it doesn’t seem to help much.
any one else that lives in AUS that can play SSF4 and AE without issues online? If so
what ISP are you guys using? I’m with Internode… always been amazing for online gaming until SSF4 lol.
and what region have you got your PS3 set to (if that makes a difference)