Question about sentinel

if people are tired of seeing the same top tier teams, why dont tournaments just ban sentinel? the rest of the roster can compete with each other pretty evenly right? sry if this is a noob question. also, do u think mvc2 can last another ten years next to mvc3? seems very likely at the moment…

Even if they did ban Sentinel for being a good character… there would be a new top character in the tournaments. He is a very beatable character, and the people who complain about him probably aren’t going to tournaments anyway. Learning the top tier characters is fun, more options, cool combos, resets, shit’s ridiculous. When I just started marvel I had that mentality of " omg same characters they are too good wahh" until I actually picked up magneto, now I understand.

You do realise the 2 finalists at SB 5 were MSP teams right? …

And the last 3 Evolutions were Storm/Sent and SB4 was Storm/Sent in GF. Just sayin’

Banning any character is a bad idea. If Sentinel leaves, then Magneto leaves, then Cable leaves, then Storm leaves, then Spiral leaves, then Ironman leaves, then Strider, then Cyclops, then Doom and BH have to leave. till they get to Dhalsim and Anakaris, then they might ban they ass too because of infinite runaway or ridiculous zoning. Then the action would have to be VDO pace or lower instead of Magneto pace. It wont be that enjoyable.