Question about safe jumping

While watching Air’s video on how he plays Ryu (or at least how he did back in SSF4), he mentioned that you don’t want to safe jump at opponents that have a 3-frame reversal, like Ryu’s uppercut.

When I watch high level play however, I see people “savely” jumping at Ryu, even when he would be able to reversal uppercut the approach, yet he just takes the pressure.
Is there something I’m missing here?

I know that you can create a mixup by jumping at the furthest range of Cammy’s jHK and then just not perform said air move to bait an uppercut, but I don’t understand how a “safe” crossup/fake crossup attempt can be made against a 3-frame reversal.
The uppercut would get auto-corrected if it turns out to be a crossup.
That feels very risky to me, especially since timing a reversal isn’t difficult, so I find myself rarely jumping in on these characters after a knockdown.

There are multiple setups that abuse the hitbox of the aerial move and the forward momentum of DPs to make them whiff. Basically you use a move that shrinks your hurtbox or moves it out of the way the DP is going so it whiffs and you can land and punish. These setups make it very difficult or impossible to autocorrect.

Shoto’s is pretty good for this. An easy setup you can test is after Ken’s fierce dp, immediately jump forward If the shoto quickrises this is a “safe jump” that’s very difficult to autocorrect or maybe even impossible.

Sometimes there’s also the threat of an empty jump (like you mentioned) so you just don’t risk a DP

Combination of delayed jump ins, set ups to make reversals miss, and 3 frame safe jumps that cause the dp the hit on the 4th frame due to distance.

It’s very easy to beat a reversal with a cross-up on the opponent’s wake up. You can practice the timing in training mode. Basically just aim for the center of the opponent’s body as they wake up. Reversal DPs will whiff every time as long as you time it properly.

The key here though is to distinguish a reversal from delayed, auto-corrected DP. Reversals will always happen on the first possible frame when returning to neutral stance, and it will be accompanied by the “Reversal” message. However, auto-corrected DPs are usually intentionally delayed so that they come out in the right way.

As for why some players simply choose to block, well some setups require very tricky timing to beat so you’re better off blocking than to risk losing 300 health. Other setups have options to make a jump in safe, or use a trajectory-altering move that’s hard to react to.

For example, Ryu can do from a distance. If he holds up forward afterwards it’s a guaranteed safe jump against 4f+ reversals that aren’t invincible grabs. If he does empty jump into low, he can block reversal DPs, and he can also do x-up tatsu to make the reversal go the wrong way. Against this, you generally want to try the back->downback->downforward defensive maneuver rather than risk a DP.

I think I’m understanding. To be honest I completely forgot that empty jump let’s you block a reversal DP.
This also explains why I see jLK a lot from Ken players. Seems to be a good button for such a situation.
Guess I’ll go figure out Cammy’s buttons :slight_smile: thanks.

Cammy’s crossup lk is pretty good against reversal DPs but doing crossup/ambiguous divekicks is better as the DP whiffs instead of air-resetting. I don’t remember what the setup is exactly but the cammy forums should help.