if you dont like the square restrictor you could get an octagonal one instead. i personally prefer the square restrictor but it is all up to personal tastes. As for not using one at all, dunno about that and wether it is good for the stick itself. My guess would be no but someone probably knows for sure around here
Leaving the restrictor off will wear down the microswitches faster. It would be better to put a circular restrictor on there. I don’t think Seimitsu has circular restrictors though, so you will probably have to take your square one and modify it.
IIRC, sanwa makes a circular restrictor which should be adaptable with little to no effort on a seimitsu and anyway an octogonal (seimitsu makes one) is barely different from a circular…
kk thx for the advice…btw why would the restrictor being off make the microswitches go out faster, i guess i just dont really know what the point of a restrictor is
Just repeating what I’ve heard, but if I’m not mistaken, the restrictor gate keeps the shaft from going too far in any given direction. That helps maintain the structural integrity of the stick; in particular, it keeps the actuator from pushing into the microswitches too hard, creating general wear-and-tear or (over time) actually pushing the microswitches farther apart, making them harder to reach and trigger. Supposedly that’s when you start getting the Hey, I thought I was holding down-back! problem.
Don’t quote me on that though. Hopefully someone who knows what they’re talking about can come along in a minute.
IMO restrictors are there because sticks need to press switches on a controlled basis so that diagonals stay where they should be. Take, for example, a circular restrictor and no restrictor at all situations. Diagonals on the first case would be surrounding the angles of 45, 135, 225 and 315, whereas in the second case the would be on some weird angles (kind of 30, 120, 210 and 300). This is because seimitsu switches are equipped with some sort of arm so that the switch will be pressed whenever the sticks moves to that side (up, down, left, right). These arms should be supported on half of their extensions, but to have four of them working would be phisically impossible, so they have their support on one side, leaving that side less sensitive (sort of speaking) and thus leading to the angles problem. When having a restrictor, all sides of these arms are equally sensitive.
If someone can rephrase this, please do as I don’t use formal terms.
i got a question i always wondered, what kind of restrictor did the Sega Dreamcast Arcade stick use??? (am talking about the agetec green goblin stick)
Reason i ask is that i could never pull off anything with that stick when i was playing capcom vs snk 2 and i always wondered if it was me or the stick or the fact that i could never find a way to make the stick fit confortably in my hand:sweat:
So if i buy a sanwa will it feel the same as the DC stick???
I really had a hard time doing half circle x 2 supers such as yamazakis grab super of benimarus grab super, and i really did not like the clicky sound that it made when i moved the stick or the looseness of the stick.
and when i went to the arcades wich used regular happ stuff i can play just fine, and i like the fact that it doesnt fell loose.
please someone let me know so i can know if i should buy a sanwa or seimitsu stick and what kind of restrictor i should get. thanks in advance.