Trust me, fubarduck helped organize a tournament in Austin with mostly xboxes+#Reload, and half the time people would complain about converter issues (like it was stated earlier in the thread.) Just saying that there are ps2 converters doesn’t mean that they’ll work 100% correctly with every 1st party and 3rd party controller/joystick.
You heard him guys–the 100s of us that are going to Texas Showdown 5 have to learn how to play with input lag or with a joystick that randomly goes to neutral! Sorry, it just wouldn’t be fair to Suavion otherwise =/
Learn to read, fuckass:
I tried pointing pointing you in the right direction politely, now I’m going to point you in the right direction UNpolitely. Tell me, are fighting games a lot harder with that extra chromosome?
whatever man, i’m not here to have a war with you. I just asked a simple question that has now been answered and i’ve accepted it so why are you still typing? You must be angry at someone, and wasup with all the name calling? I never called you a fuckass, or said you had an extra chromosome so why are you flaming me? It seems that every time I post on this site some random guy wants to have a flame war. evryone else who replied to my question had adult answers but you. and trust me fighting games are not hard for me. Your underestimating me cause you think I don’t know much about fighting games. well i wanna play you at Ts5 and we will C who has a “harder time!”
I gave you a simple answer, and you did not accept it, you just complained. This is what you said:
As everyone can plainly see, you kept trying to argue your case when the COMPLETE answer to your question was delivered in my first post. I didn’t start a flame war, you did. You tried to defend yourself with this garbage (I’ll go ahead and quote again):
All I did was state the facts. All you did was continue to ramble.
Now look closely, in the 1st paragraph you were responding in an adult manner(you actually told me everything I needed 2 know in that paragraph). Then in the second paragraph you said the stuff about nobody is gonna go out of their way for some “whiner” who is gonna go 0-2. You are talking about me since I made the post. that my friend is starting a flame war. All I needed from you was what u had in the 1st paragraph. EVERYONE ELSE WHO RESPONDED DID SO IN AN EDUCATED MANNER EXEPT YOU! THE SHIT YOU SAID ABOUT A WHINER IS THE REASON Y I KEPT POSTING. Now i’ve already said I would practice with my anniv. pad and forget about the whole ps2 thing, so why are you continuing?