Her name is Cammy White.
And I’m just wondering… how the hell does Cammy have a last name if the earliest information about her dates back to her life under Shadowloo? Does anyone know anything about this White family she comes from?
Her name is Cammy White.
And I’m just wondering… how the hell does Cammy have a last name if the earliest information about her dates back to her life under Shadowloo? Does anyone know anything about this White family she comes from?
There was probably another Cammy who was black or asian or something, so they had to differentiate between the two.
White is the likely the surname that Rose gave her after breaking her free from Bison’s control.
White was the name they gave to her in the animated movie. Which isn’t canon.
oh snaps, your a norcal player! good shit, i think we played in some endless recently.
Yeah, i just mentioned you in the Cammy GG thread. Your Cammy is awesome.
I thought Cammy picked the last name White for herself after her Shadaloo past was overwith, because it meant clean, a fresh start.
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!.. i was watching SFII:V teh other day… y’know where Cammy is a cross-toting-badass-nina-look-alike?.. anyways… right during the scene where Balrog (wearing glasses?!?) is waiting to pick Cammy up from the airport… watch closely… actually not that closely and when it pans over the crowd is shows Akuma talking to some one all nonchalantly… but it has nothing to do with the plot… i saw it and was laughing my ass off
… but yes… Cammy got her surname from the animated movie… wheter or not it’s canon in the capcom universe is up for debate…
That shoulda been her alt 3 costume. I’d use it for my boxer matches.
i was always a fan of what she wore in Final Fight:Streetwise : http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/_cb20100511174614/streetfighter/images/0/00/Cammy_White%28Streetwise%29.jpg
i know it doesn’t have the trademark gratuitous ass view she normally has but i’ve always liked it
I like it.