Question about Bison

I just finished ST with Bison (the dictator), and in his ending he conquers the world and stuff and that the “ancient one” would never stop him, or something. Now, I know his ending is not cannon, because he is dead, but can anyone tell who is the “ancient” dude he was referring to?

Thanks in advance :lovin:


probably best to ask in the SF comic book section for the forum. if capcom wanted to retcon this shit, they could say the “ancient one” was Gill as he and his organisation have supposed to have been around for yonks

Guys! He was totally talking about Dan.

Bison lives in fear of the day that the Pink glove of justice returns…

Akuma like Daidoji Kage said, but that’s a Capcom USA fabrication. No ancient one is mentioned in the dictator’s Japanese ending. This question would be more appropriate in the SF storyline thread.


That or Sheng Long :open_mouth:

Bison sees into the future and fears the strongest fighter ever: Pink Sean. God Tier all the way.


A mistranslation along the lines of Cammy and Bison being in love (EEEEWWWWWWW!!) :wasted: