Question about a mod: Dual mod w/a chimp/psone digital & P360 joystick

Hey guys, I have a question about a dual mod I’m doing at the moment.

I’m doing a ps3/psone dual mod with a p360 joystick for a friend right now. I have a chimp and a psone digital pad to do this. So I hacked the pad and made sure it worked, assembled the chimp and did the same. I first attempted to piggyback the psone to the chimp and it didnt go so well. So now I’m going to try another method.

-have all the signals meet at a terminal barrier from both pcbs.
-Ground running directly between both pcbs along with a wire connecting vcc to 3.3v

  • Each pcb has direct ground running to one of the switches which were all daisy chained.
  • Each pcb has direct ground to the p360
    -wire connecting the VCC on the chimp and 5v on the p360

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Will this work? Am I missing anything?