Pyrolee - biggest fucking money match - pyrolee

Third Fucking Strike cum shot in the eye Tekken Tim vs Vinny Marano MONDAY 4/9 first to 10 for $500 bucks. Video from tonight coming soon of all the shit talking that went down, let me know if you want to side bet on this, Tekken Tim said he is taking all backers.

Sponsored by SONY and streamed by DJ Wheat. You don’t want to miss this shit live from FFA.

what the fuck am I reading

No one gives a fuck troll.

do you seriously have “as the infamous Bruce Lee said” in your sig

believe the hype people

lol…found this by searching for “pyrolee”

Pyrolee constantly searching for his own name: Confirmed

What does all this have to do with Pyro?

Pyrolee is not invited to this event

Kaio-Ken! Times Ten!

What started it: :zzz:

The legendary “Mongolia” post: :badboy:

Little bit of extra hate/hype: :wow:

How it finished: :nono:




Nigga’s more then famous he’s infamous.

someone recap what the hell Pyro is posting about…there is no way I click those links

It doesn’t help that the first 2 links of Pyro’s message send me to a “page not found” section.

Also, it just seems to be sending us to random links, without much of a backstory behind it.

probably cached only on his computer so he can keep reading and replying to the thread…8 years after they have been taken down

paste the first 2 links into your browsers nubs…the man trying to keep this information from reaching the eyes of the public…too much real history…too much legend

not going to read it man…someone else summarize

Pyrolee invaded Mongolia. Pyrolee defeats Mongolia. The end.


it took me 30 minutes to figure out how to log in to this website

the bitch is back

whats up pyro, want to play dota, syke
