I’m no pro or anything, but you never seem to use your light kicks regularly. You should throw some more crouching light kicks in there to hit confirm your moves rather than just using crouching medium. Ken’s overhead kick is pretty nice too.
[quote=“MagnetoManiac, post:120, topic:59908”]
I’ve never played Rose in CE mode, you have the wrong guy. I also play on PSN if you guys don’t, looks like you’re playing on 360 from the graphics I’m seeing.
If you read my post more careful I said that we played on ranked BEFORE the CE mode came out. And yes, both Jinty and I are both playing on PSN, I record with low-quality to keep filesize down, and yes I am sure I we have played and yes the matches were close (though I have only played your Rose).
None taken. But that wasn’t much constructive critisicm. Still it would be interesting to play you since my play differs quite a lot when I play sessions where I don’t have 2 kids and my wife hanging all over me which I most usually have on my random-matches
Now there we have some constructive critisicm… This is a weakness I know I have, I also know that I should use c.lk as combostarter instead of c.lp after crossup, since c.lk hits low while c.lp does not. Though it usually doesn’t matter against skilled players since they always block low after the initial crossup, but still I need to do it.
quoted from one of the comments of his youtube vid
“if you have psn , mines is solidlegend189 i am up for a challenge if you arent to scared”
I like how he just called out MagnetoManiac without even knowing who he was. Honestly, people nowadays.
ah, my bad then lol.
good shit Rampage, I like the tatsu combos. how do you switch those up if they are ducking instead?
EDIT: I guess if you’re close enough the lp should connect on a crouching op. as well huh…
On crouching opponents you need to link c.lp to c.fp then tatsu. The c.fp will ‘stand up’ ducking opponents making your tatsu connect. Very advance combo link but probably one of Ken’s best. Only f.SRK FADC to f.Ultra is probably the only the better one, IMHO.
edit: WOW - lp to tatsu seems to work even on crouch opponents - including Blanka! No need to link c.fp. Testing more…
Are there any points in particular that you are talking about or just in general?
man, i seem to have lost a ken video somewhere (more like i can’t remember what to search for).
it was a 14 or 20 second video of a dude doing focus, taunting then f srk fadc to ultra… can’t for the life of me find it though if anyone remembers where it is i would appreciate it.
:u: [media=youtube]-QHgN5Hf0J0&feature=channel_page[/media].
thanks ^^
It usually depends on how close you are, because the first knee into the tatsu stands up the opponent. This part doesn’t hit if you’re too far away.
I think there’s a variation in it between ex and regular versions on how the knee works or its range, but I haven’t played enough in the last couple of weeks to be able to tell you.
That is correct. a combo with a lk, lp (for hitconfirm) before the tatsu pushes the opponent too far away for the tatsu to connect if he is crouching so a fp is required. Im not sure of the exact distance required for the tatsu to connect at close range, but I would say it’s not worth the risk if you’re not extremly close. Seems like a better ida to just get a hold of the combos including fp’s.
if you lk–tatsu, you’ll hit him with your knee…Anything after that I believe will push you too far away. And since c.HP is so difficult to time consistently, I just do a standing jab…
btw–Magneto is tough, I play him on PSN…he played a pretty good Bison, and a turtling Balrog that really got me uneasy and made silly mistakes lol…man, I hate the turtle characters;) I don’t know about best 09 player stuff though…I mean I never played any fighting game seriously before Sf4, and I think I’m ok, pretty decent Ken. He maybe better than you, or Dr. Chaos…doesn’t mean anything what year he starts posting here, or when he starts playing fighting games ya dig?
I’m sure your not trying to be, but that’s just coming off a bit cocky…
Still haven’t played Dr. Chaos though…
awww…man why are you guys playing on Live??! Xbox sucks man…it was only hott when PS3 sucked, now it’s just a Red Ring of Death–step up to PSN!
messed around with this a bit today, works with more taunts than just #4… personally liking #8 the best. crumple them then stretch before doing the srk fadc ultra lol
edit: just found out you can actually do 2 hp srk then ultra. focus attack > dash > taunt > hp srk > fadc > hp srk > fadc > f.ultra
same damage either way pretty much… but if you really really want to rub it in… go with the later lol. i hit 2 people in champ mode today with the taunt ultra… awesome that not only dan can do it lol
btw i think i found my new ultra punisher… teach those niblets not to do random ultra’s with style haha
Yo magneto man, Id love to play you and Dr. Chaos just to get some tips man! I gotta fight you a couple times hit me up on psn asap! ill add ya
I know I have connected the tatsu after a deep j.fk, c.mk xx Tatsu, but the as we already stated the distance needs to be very close and since it’s more or less impossible to hitconfirm before the distance gets too long. If I KNOW that my crossup is going to connect I go for j.mk, c.fp xx tatsu, does most damage because of the scaling, no need for the extra lps and lks just for show.
This is getting awfully off topic though, this is supposed to be the video-thread. Lets continue this discussion in another thread if needed.
Jinty and I had another 10 match session this morning. Some bad execution and decisions here and there but all in all I think both of us played pretty well and matches were enjoyable both in a playing AND viewing point of view.
feedback? I really expected more constructive feedback and activity before I started to post on this forum…
your still mashing srk’s during peoples combo’s/block strings i see, and it did work out very well for you in this matchup. that being said jinty missed a lot of punishment on lp srk’s and even looked like he got frustrated into throwing them back.
one thing i wanted to point out specifically was in match 9 (nice fireball cancel finish btw ^^) at around 2:20 you had just eaten a big combo from jinty and were trying to respond with a srk, you missed one > ate a mp srk > ex. then on his wake-up game you bit again for the srk. it sounds like you grumble about lag or something but that was a very bad decision on your part as you took the bait hook-line and sinker.
jinty you need to bait and punish on this style of player i saw a ton of lp srk’s that you could have at minimum kara-thrown.
[quote=“highlulu, post:138, topic:59908”]
your still mashing srk’s during peoples combo’s/block strings i see, and it did work out very well for you in this matchup. that being said jinty missed a lot of punishment on lp srk’s and even looked like he got frustrated into throwing them back.
Yup, as I stated earlier I do it as long as it works Even though I did not try so many f.srk at the end of the blockstrings that I did last time but rather l.srk at a blocked crossup since I know Jinty often tries for the c.fp xx tatsu after crossup and a l.srk can be sneaked in on block before the c.fp comes out.
It’s true though that both him and I missed to punish eachother. In our defence I might say that lp.srks are somewhat risky to punish in a laggy environment (our games are very ok, 4 bars, but not compared to offlinematches) where u can eat another l.srk. Not saying we shouldn’t have punished more and there is room for improvement, but sometimes I guess we just played it safe.
Watched that part now myself, and I could not agree more. The grumbling heard in the video is not a lag-complaint, it’s a called out frustration because I felt aware of how stupid that was the moment I threw it out, but thnx for telling me But ye, I walked in to the trap and that’s something I have to work on, wakeup situations in general can’t be practised enough. Thnx for showing me such obvious situations and the constructive criticism, when you watch your own matches you realise how many mistakes you do that you don’t think of during the heat of battle.
edit: The buttonmashing in some of the blockstrings should not be mistaken for trying to mash out SRKs, they are rather me holding db while pressing lk+lp for teching in case of throwattempt.
I showed a friend of mine the infamous “Ken Flow Chart”. And now he swears his undying allegiance to it.
I think I’ve created a monster.