Hey sup. Im having alot of frustration when I play Cammy-players since they keep spamming her srk and I can’t do shit, or so it seems. I always think of doing something but it seems that you have a very small window in doing so.
So I was wondering which moves you can punish her srk with. Mainly with Ken and Fei-Long.
It may seem safe a lot of the time, but it’s just a pretty good illusion.
Compared to alot of SRK/DP attacks, you’re usually allowed a pretty small combo and at least a throw. Well, both are kind of kicked out against Cammy.
Walking up and throwing her is a big 50/50, so a long range attack is what’s going to be used.
For example, Fei Long should be able to at least land 1 Fierce Rekka (In HD Remix, you could actually land all 3), and Ken’s fierce DP at least guarantees you SOME damage. At the most, the faster walking characters (Vega, Chun-Li) should at least be able to get in ONE poke.
Ryu: HP Hadouken
Ken: HP Shoryuken**
Honda: MP/HP Handslap or HP Headbutt.
Chun: HP Kikouken**
Blanka: Roll or HK Vertical Roll
Zangief: MK/LK Running Grab**
Guile: HP Sonic Boom**
Dhalsim: st.HK or st.HP
Hawk: st.HK**
DeeJay: HP Maxout
Cammy: Drill
Fei: HP Rekka x2 (first may whiff, but the second will hit)
Boxer: Any rushing punch
Claw: cr.HK
Sagat: HP/HK Tiger Shot or MK/HK Tiger Knee
Dictator: cr.HK or Scissor Kick or HP Psycho Crusher
Moves marked with ** will not punish a properly distanced one.
So don’t go randomly throwing Ken’s Fierce DP at it unless she did it as a point blank reversal or somesuch.
Some supers can punish it too, though I haven’t listed those. Chun’s can, for example.