Psycho Science, “Very educational” takes notes
Great guide. Bison is my #2, but I feel like Ive hit a roadblock in progression with him. I still havent figured out (basically I dont know) how to incorporate his focus attack into my game, how to EX Cancel or what to EX Cancel or how to effectively poke/combo. Any advice, mentoring, or sparring from anybody would be greatly appreciated. My PSN ID is darkvladimir1
Yesterday I blew through Blanka’s ultra on start-up by activating Bison’s immediately after. Bison looked like he flipped over the initial shockwave and then caught Blanka during the rising/falling ball section of the Ultra. This happened close range.
Bison’s ultra isn’t for the lazy or weak-minded player - you gotta work hard to put yourself in the position to pimpslap them via FA, AA, Yomi or even MPx2.
On an unrelated note, Bison is the only character I have going using English dubbing instead of Japanese. There’s something satisfying about finishing with a reference to putting your opponent in a grave - especially after a well-timed/comboed ultra. :encore:
guile’s c hp seems to beat normal headstomp cleanly too.
Guile can also air throw him out of it. Even his EX headstomp. It’s one of the reasons as to why Bison supposedly has a tough time against Guile.
bison definitely does have a rough time against guile… seems to me bison has problems with zoning characters in general. you have to work a lot harder against them to get that win. that’s surprising to hear he can get thrown out of his headstomp by an air throw. that’s good to know though…
Guile can literally throw anything airborne. If the character’s feet is off the ground, he’s throwing them.
speaking of which…who’s seen that gilley guile combo video that got posted a month or 2 back. he does FA jump straight up… airthrow as fuerte crumple stuns. is there some kind of crumple stun property where you’re in the air at some point. i’m still confused about this. should be in the guile threads but whatever… i never go in there.
You count as being airborne while you’re in a crumple stun. That why if you wait too long to hit them after crumple they reset into the air.
thanks for this. I am going to practice some of these things
I was testing some stuff out in training mode and I am 99% sure FA2 -> Dash -> c.MP, c.MK xx SK did more damage, than the above combo.
But I know that combo does not work on all characters however, for example Boxer seems to get pushed back further by the c.MP so the c.MK does not connect, maybe its his body/hitbox that is different.
Maybe you can shed some more light on this for me.
EDIT: ejdge beat me to it, but it needs testing against all characters.
awesome post, not sure how I missed it until today. Thank you sir
I figured this would be the best place to discuss something like this, I’ve played a few matches now, and I don’t know what I’m doing, but occasionally, if I do an ultra I’ll see myself turn purple and flash for a split second like a teleport and then it’s goes straight into Ultra, another I saw the same flash and my bison had blurs around him during his Ultra start up, any idea what the heck I’m doing? Am I cancelling something into ultra or is it just some weird fluke, I’ve yet to repeat it.
hey, new here. man i have so much to read and catch up with
Wild guess from the seat of my pants tells me you’re probably kara cancelling the teleport into the ultra with a command like:
b, df, b, df + kkk, f + negative edge kkk
It follows the same theory that kara throws or roll cancels from cvs2 would.
Against Viper:
c. hp can beat out ground flame kicks
EX Psycho Crusher punishes ground pound at any distance on reaction (listen for the audio cue to avoid busting out a PC during a fake ground pound)
for air flame kicks either FA back dash the hit or Ultra her.
How I usually handle Viper is by the time I have an Ultra and at least 2 bars to have the lead, then get full screen away and watch as she can’t really do anything (sj’s lead to ultra, ground pounds lead to EX PC, walks towards you do lk scissors then teleport backwards)
Light and Medium Thunder Knuckles are safe from cr. LK. But she is not at advantage your buddy is probably trying to stick something out and it’s getting eaten by your LK.
The only “Guarenteed” Ultra setup I know of is FAing off of his c.RH at close range. Hard to get used to but it helps if you can catch that c.RH. Helps alot against Guile. Also remember to never, ever, ever use headstomp. Stick with DR. Headstomp, even EX, is always thrown. Tricksy moves like Slide into Ultra seem to work, as I see alot of Guiles try and flash kick that. If I can’t get anything like that to work I tend to try and get one combo in and just stay away and try to zone him. Guile has a hell of a time trying to get in on you, and most of Bison’s pokes beat Guile’s clean.
^— Only in the corner against smaller characters, and against large characters it should hit everywhere. Needs additionally testing though, like you said.
Just tried and it does work on Boxer. Usually, if you do the crouching forward a bit late it seems like it would whiff because of the pushback. I guess it might still be character dependent but I have always just blamed my timing when I have fucked that combo up.
The damage you get from it is 263/269/281 for different versions of SK and it does 390 points of stun. As usual, you can also replace the scissors with PC for same damage but 420 stun.
Thank you a lot for this guide about the Great Psycho Power
This is huge and really good.
I should read the match up part and try some combos.