OMG!! I fucking hate you guys.
You guys can start your own Pyschic Force 2012 community.
When will it be my turn? :shake:
OMG!! I fucking hate you guys.
You guys can start your own Pyschic Force 2012 community.
When will it be my turn? :shake:
When you move to Florida.
Just do it already.
All NJ/NY people do it eventually.
(Tipman, however, moved back to NY, which sux for us, cuz he was king at fighting games)
I only saw Tipman play Melee. I never saw him play anything else. So i would have to question that and play him in Marvel or something if he was ever down here again. Ppl who play Melee are usually stuck on that game and not much else. Are u there that often cuz im there usually like Mon and Wed playing Marvel and Third Strike.
I don’t really play 3rd Strike and I’m horrid at MvC.
But I’m down for GG and or Smash(Melee preferably, but I’ll pwn some face in Balls).
And Tipman was good at everything he did sir.
R.I.P. Tommy T
I gave up on Brawl. I can only play 2 characters in Melee and im sick of GG. I never said Tipman was horrible but i always question Melee players in other games because it usually turns out there not very good at them compared to how they play Melee.
Very true.
I’m part of that club too, I think.
Anyway if u want i have a DC and PF if u ever want to try and play. Have i met u before or are u not there very often? I occasionally come in after work with my uniform on dont know if uve ever seen me.
Do u work at Publix?
Yep, u got it.
Holy crap. I’m happy people atually know this game as it is an awesome fighter. I just wish more people would play it. I played this game before I was into competitive fighting so strats and whatnot are great. I play Carlo and Emlio.
I think i’m going to bring this to the next gathering I go to and try to hype it up. It’ll be all like PSYCHIC FORCE!!! :yawn:
Poverty bump!
Match vids:
From the Nesica tournament last year
Old Matsudo tournament
Decent casual matches
Dozens more from each of those people. I think there is more on nicovideo.
Not true! Like most wakeup defenses, the Psy Impulse can be baited and punished because the recovery frames are vulnerable. When you get the second wallbounce, dash back IMMEDIATELY. Now the mixup goes between two branches:
You think they won’t pulse - Quick dash back in and do whatever. Probably a barrier break or throw. I guess you can also try for a wall bounce from a distance with a special if you think they’ll block.
You think they will pulse - Wait for it, and punish. What you do depends on your character and which pulse was used. The best answer is almost always a well-timed projectile or other special. If the pulse is light, you need to do your attack with meaty timing during a narrow window of time (but every character can do it!) If the pulse is heavy, you need to either wait out the active frames of the pulse, or back off so you don’t get stuffed by it when you go for your meaty. Attacks with a long duration like Burn’s multiple fireballs, Gates’ lightning, or Wendy’s tornado make it much easier to tag the recovery. Wong’s timestop also punishes or stuffs the pulse with proper timing (invincible stuff becomes vulnerable during it).
Light characters can also just barely punish a heavy pulse with a quick-dash into chain combo.
Barrier stuff:
Since Retreat Barrier is so easily mashable, plain chain combos are really all that you can do midscreen. That said, you might be able to pull off longer combos if you can convince your opponent to churn dat butter for a regular barrier. They obviously can’t both mash for retreat barrier and rotate for a regular one, so cutting off your chain early to go for a throw or reset might be enough to change their mind.
Medium characters have it pretty good, and can do LLL into a dash-in barrier crush to stop any Retreat Barriers. If no barrier shows up, they can combo normally.
I don’t care if no one cares, I’m posting again!
Sick, sick Regina. Really knows how to use the whip. The Gates was pretty good too.
My favorite part was when Regina brought out atomic burner on the Wong scrub, lol
Edit: I take it back, my favorite part was when Gates kept trading with Might via cluster bombs and missiles.
Also, omg, there are a million matches on nicovideo; recent too! That one I linked was from a tournament from last month!
A quick note here: there is no such thing as a “Wall Barrier” per se. In fact, the mechanic at work is your garden-variety quick rise. If you hold any direction during the right moment during either type of knockdown, you will quick rise and can do whatever you want, not just barriers. You can hold left and block to quick-rise-block, or left and mash throw to quick rise into throw, etc. This is kind of important to know, because Barrier Crush would be guaranteed off of all wall bounces if quick-rise-barrier was all the defender could do after being wall bounced.
Thats a term i made up for reference purposes. arent you just nitpicking?
This game runs pretty smoothly on Demul and is most likely a viable netplay game now. Anyone wanna try some Netplay with me?