Psychic Force 2012

I have about five other people besides myself.

I play:Guddeth,Keith,Gates,and Might in that order.
Everybody else has a mix of random people but all of them play Emilio as a main or secondary.

I don’t like Emilio because everybody else plays with him so much/I don’t like his design at all.


Kenta Kobashi: And what does that tell you about Emilio since all your buds main him?

Seriosuly, EVERYONE that has played this game immediately notices Emilio’s potential and if it’s one thing they have to say about him it is that he is a monster.

Read any FAQ about psychic force 2012 or even the comments of the people in this thread on the first 2 pages. Even people who never took this game seriously all seem to know that Emilio is a beast.

Now maybe you personally know how to fight Emlio since all your friends use him. Good shit man. I commend you. Way to show those tier whores. But Emilio is still beastly.

Anyway, I think I’ll concede that Emilio is at slight disadvantage vs Keith since Emilio really can’t bully him around like he can to other characters thanks to Frigid Shell.

Also do your friends know about this thread? Have you learned anything new? DUDE!!!

Come to NEC. I’m supposed to be helping to run a psychic force 2012 tourney there. Would love to play you.

They really just like him because he’s all anime looking and shit.They don’t have a clue that he’s most likely broken tier since they don’t post online.

I really wish I could go places to play but I’m one of the brokest people ever,seriously.


nobody play PF2012 over there , the game is totally unknown so I play solo and sometime with one buddy but not so far.

I’ve read your posts (really interesting btw) but I can’ t really comment because I’m pretty bad for now lol

Anyone can shoot some fight ? Im curious to see you guys

I play might setsuna carlos patty and now sonia !

Hey Emblem were u ever planning to scan those pics from the mook u got?


Reanimator !

Sorry to be letting this die down dudes. I left my Psychic Force 2012 notebook with all my gameplay shit in my buddies car. Soon as I get that back, I’ll start posting info again. I also wanted to look into d/ling a dreamcast emulator on my pc and seeing if I could play online.

Also I will try to scan some pics. I think my dad has a scanner. I’ll ask him to show me hw to use it.

I forgot this thread existed. Emblem, at first I was going to offer some suggestions to your tiers, but you seem like you really know your shit. My friend picked up 2012 for DC back when it first came out because he was jonesing for something to play after we got tired of Dragonball GT: Final Bout.

I respect the game for its unorthodox encouragement of traps and setups rather than the traditional combo-based fighting games. My main issue is that, save for my friend and I, nobody else got good enough to actually force us to get objectively better at the game (rather than just get better at fighting each other).

We knew Carlo was pretty low on the tiers, but the AI manages to use him rather well. I mained Emilio for a while and my buddy mained Gudeath, but we’d also switch up a lot. A lot a lot.

I honestly haven’t looked completely over your strats that you’ve posted, but I’ll do so, now. I do remember a lot of our game was based around finding unblockable setups, for example:

Match begins, Emilio vs. Whomever.
Emilio sets up 1 Reflector Dash, then uses Seeker Ray then charges back to 50%.
While the Ray bounces, Emilio hyperdashes forward.
Out of the hyperdash, Emilio uses a Shield Breaker. The timing should coincide with the arrival of the second Seeker Ray.

Theoretically, the only way out of this setup is to anticipate Emilio’s dash and throw him while he’s closing the distance. This also is a gambit specific to our matches, though.

Hmmm, nice set-up, but there is more then one way to stop that.

Basically the rays that shoot out of the reflector dash are seperated by about 45 degrees.

When Emilio shoots a Ray at the Dash and then come it towards his opponent, they just have to dash so that you end up between the rays. The final Ray will just shoot at the spot where his opponent was originally at when the first Ray came out.

If Emilio tries to dash in and Barrier Break then you can grab him out of it on reaction. Emilio has the second slowest Barrier Break at 25 frames of execution time. So grabbing him out of it on reaction isn’t really difficult since he telegraphs it so much.

I have another set-up that you might like that I use pretty often.

First set-up 4 to 5 prism reflectors. Then shoot the ray. You may charge your PSY if it’s a little low, but if you have around 90, then you are ok.

Rush your opponent and watch thier actions. A smart opponent will barrier to bring out a barrier break from you and then dash away and barrier again to block the ray. So you may want to hold G as soon as you start the barrier break. This way the moment they drop thier barrier the Ray willl hit them. Now depending on where the ray hit them, they may or may not be smacked right into your barrier break or they could hit a wall and if you are close enough you will hit them. If not then you will miss, but you will be safe.

Another thing to do is do a Ray shield lock. Use the Ray to hit their shield a split second before you barrier break that way they are still in shield stun when you do a barrier break and you get a free hit. It’s very hard to time and usually won’t work against smart opponents. But it’s nasty little trick. Basically with Emilio you are using the Ray as a stand alone projectile while you the player feels out your opponent and guages their actions. There are alot of set-ups with Emilio, but I tend to stick with basic ones that are effective.

Man, I really gotta get my notebook back form my friend so I can start posting character strats again.

damn Id love to see tuto vids for some strat !

have some free time to play now is there any way to play online via emu ?

Theres a PC version of the game, that might be able to be played Online, if anyone can ever find it.

Another fighting game I own my friends in.

Then, I look at the tier list and the character I own with sucks.

Dammit Wendy.

Does this game have tourneys and such?

If so, I’d like to get owned please.

Did you already read this whole thread?

As far as tournies go, your best bet is to go to tourney where there are traditional fighters with one of your boys who is also good then play some casual matches on a t.v

People will notice you playing and it will probably spark some interest and then you can get a community going.

Dammit man.

The only good tournies I could goto are gayass Brawl tournies.

And I can’t stand playing Brawl with the Brawl kids.

So playing a better game would be like impossible.

These Brawl kids have it sooooo good, with their brainless button mashing and infinte air dodge/sidesteps.

Guess I’ll have to deal with it unitl another Melee/GG tourney comes.

^ Dude ur name looks so familiar. Do u live in FL and go to Zero Ping at all?


Yeah, Lilman he lives in FL. You guys should meet up and play.

Where in Florida? I need Orlando PF2 players.

If PF2 is Puzzle Fighter 2, than hooray!

And yeah, I live about 5 minutes from ZP.