PSU BRAGGING RIGHTS! April 17th, 2010. Updated

RAWWWWWR~! Rice and Chicken is bitchin’~

Rice milk is delicious.

Strawberry horchata is the best.

Is the game roster set in stone? Cause if not i nominate TvC.

Would anybody be interested in entering for this game? I would be more then happy to supply 1 console and game for it.

The games are set in stone as far as im concerned.

Its still pretty far away but we need to work on a schedule.
And also enforce EVO match policies on DQing people. If youre called and arent there in under 5 min you just lost the match. We don’t want to run over time because then there’s an hourly charge after hours (not that I expect that to occur).

That will also help if we can get a consensus for if/when on GG and BB.

I already have a schedule down. AND YES, i WILL BE DQING PEOPLE

Fuck the inevitable death pause rule. You shouldn’t pause in a tournament match whether they’re dying or not. :sad:


I think it’s more because otherwise you’d have to like restart things. You can’t really force them to lose a round considering they just won one or something.

I charge quesadilla bomb during every single ultra now. With every finger…


I don’t understand the meaning of the last two posts at all. So, are you guys for penalizing people based on pausing the game or not? And why wouldn’t you be? Pausing in a serious match is a serious offense, and the offender should lose at least that round. It’s enforced that way at EVO, correct? You just let the time run out, or let the character of the non-pauser gain a life lead, so you can keep meters similar to how it was when paused. If you can’t gain a life lead, then the match has to be restarted and both players start with zero meter.
This is only if the player who did not pause wants to enforce this rule, of course. It’s up the them, normally.

Mechanica is talking about mid ultra or super.
Evo only penalizes when it effects the match but if youre gonna die during the ultra then its whatev


Disregard post, I guess.

Specifically command grabs. Elias’s situation happened during an SPD.

can this get a sticky?

Agree. Also I haven’t been following this: What is the final game to be?

Just going to say I can’t make flyers too much other stuff going on right now. Sorry : / but really do we need flies? when have they ever got us more turnout than srk anyway?

I have a thought, not that this is that great but…

how about making threads on Gamefaqs (or other gaming forums) in the SF4 thread? Maybe there’s some locals that aren’t really into fighting games but will show up and err “find out”.

Take my name out of the running for this, not really interested in this anymore, and it’s my birthday that week (aka screw street fighter).

i will footlong match anyone in the following games.

3rd strike,sf4,HDR, and! puzzle fighter

so if anyone wants to buy me lunch lose to me in these games.

I’ll do any of those except puzzle fighter, as I am colorblind. -_-