PSN Tekken 6 Netcode: how is it so far?

3 bars are kind of bearable. Forget about blocking obvious lows and expect missed juggles.
4 and 5 bars are pretty decent.

For me, I tried a match the other night. Couldn’t get past he 1st round (PSN) because of disconnect. I just said 'eff it, to online Tekken.

I still haven’t downloaded the patch yet, but I don’t really play online anyway. I am still trying to beat the dumb scenario mode.

4-5 bar matches are definitely playable, i cant land an iSW to save my life online though.

ive had plenty of good matches that played flawlessly, and only about a handful that lagged enough to be annoying. The strange thing thats been happening to me lately is that at the connection select part, sometimes when i pick a green connection, it drops to a yellow once im in the fight :confused: and has anyone had a match to where it seemed like you were lagging, and they were moving super fast?

Anyone here any decent? I play a mid level Kazuya can only ewgf about 50 percent and a beastly Hwoarang. Working on my Heihachi and raven as well. Lord_Infamous is my tag if anyone wants some good matches.