PSN: SFIV Players in NY

This is gonna be a list of PSN SFIV players in the NY area. I’m gonna try and have the list updated every couple of days at most once a week. Just try and keep this format please:

Time played

So mine would look like this:

Cammy, C. Viper, Ryu
after 4pm

characters - ryu, guile
mic - yes although I rarely use it.
Time played - often. I don’t have a job right now. Been lookin’ though!

Are looking for NYC or all of NY state?


Gamertag same as username
On and off all day or playing RE 5

anywhere in NY

PSN ID - Lelezi
characters - ryu, guile
mic - yes although I rarely use it.
Time played - often. I don’t have a job right now. Been lookin’ though!
championship points - over 10k. G2-A

PSN: Redwolfx
Character: Gen
Mic: yes
Time: Whenever my brother doesn’t play…
Champ points: 26-27k, I haven’t played often to work on it

psn: blueflamingo_srk
character: sakura, chun, ken, ryu, rufus, dan
mic: nope
time: mostly after 11pm

Matchmaking thread.