For interested online players, I host bi-weekly Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournaments on Sundays. They have been overwhelmingly successful so far and things are only getting better!
For information and sign-ups, please visit this website:
TNE Tournaments
Bookmark it, follow the tweets, do whatever you have to do! Remind yourself to sign up when PSN comes back online. It’s always a ton of fun!
This pain…it hurts so much
Oh man! I can’t wait to friend you on PS… never mind.
Single elimination on PSN?
Cut it out, guys.
>PSN Tournament
10/10 OP, I chuckled a bit.
Yes I did, but I’m a complete amateur, as you probably saw.
Not interested in this till PSN come back up online!!
I was actually pretty amazed. I was just curious because I’m so used to seeing CMS.
Cheers friend!
dude i’m there as soon as this turdles stop playing with our little heads and hearts this makes me wish for that spectator option!