PSN and Xbox Live Tekken Tourny

Register at and go here ( to sign up.

* FREE ENTRY. (First come first serve)
* 1st Place : $50
* 2nd Place: 3 Months xbox Live or 1600 Microsoft Points/PSN Card $20 dollar value.

Tournament Dates: April 17th: Xbox360 and April 24rd:Playstation 3. Both Tournaments take place at 8 PM EASTERN.

oh and miracle does happen in tekken: [media=youtube]WNyGN0eE_LU[/media]

Is this Global tourney?

ya anyone can enter you just need to play at that time. come on guys we need at least 24 people for the tourney to go on, so let your buddies know about this. if you gonna be watching MLG orlando’s stream this weekend might as well play in a tourney.

Oh it’s online. You can add me to it. I don;t see the link on the site to sign my name on there because when I clicked on the tournament link there was nothing that asked for me to sign up and i noticed you had the game as single player when it’s clearly a multiplayer game.

I’m down. Hwoarang player here