I got a mc cthulhu and out of the box it supports ps3/pc through the usb connection and it seems that is the same claim as the ps360. Wonder what makes the ps360 different?
Argh…mc cthulus out of stock at L L. Anyone knows why playstation digital only pad pcbs lag with most ps1/2 to xbox1 converters? And is there any way around that problem??
Oh. Well, you could always make a FGWidget converter, like I said. They work perfectly with PSX digital. You just need to know how to padhack and dual mod. If you can do those, you can use it. Read up the welcome document to assess if it’s in your skill level. http://www.godlikecontrols.com/download/converterwelcome2.pdf
If you want to go the PS1 digital route then here’s your answer. Looking to pick up a couple more myself. I gave mine away and then fixed up my Xbox that wasn’t working. They’re awesome converters.