PS3 TE PCB into a Tekk Innovations Case

I would like to salvage the internals out of a PS3 SFXT TE that I own and put them in a Tek Innovations case. Does anyone have any experience with this? Would any soldering be involved? I’m particularly curious about what i need to do with the panel that contains the Home button.

EDIT: I can post pictures if necessary.

You need to solder to re-attach the usb cable to the PCB (unless you’re using a neutrik USB pass through) and solder to the pads on the top of the turbo panel for the home button

Please do. More data we can get the better.

There is this. Its mostly a very straight forwards procedure.

Traveling now, but will post pics later tonight. After reading the comments though I’m curious, why do I have to resolder the USB cable? Can’t I just remove it with the pcb as one piece?

You could if you break/drill holes in cable compartment.

Perfect! I’m not really attached to this case, so damage to the cable compartment isn’t a big deal. One of my friends warped the faceplate pretty bad when he smacked it after frustrating SFV netplay

Below are the pics

TE (soon to be tek)

There is this. Its mostly a very straight forwards procedure.


Is there a post/video where I can see someone solder to the home button pads? It’s probably straight-forward like you said, but having never done it before I’d like to see the process performed.

Have you ever soldered? If not it’s something that takes time to learn the skill properly. You may want to just look into have a modder in your area do the job instead of risking messing up your stick permanently. To each is own but I say better to be safe than sorry. I’ve been soldering things since PS1 modchip days before there were videos online to show you how to do it. If you do decide to do it yourself, don’t make the stick project the first thing you solder. Solder wires together and stuff like that first to get an idea of how the iron works, etc. Good luck!

Have you ever soldered? If not it’s something that takes time to learn the skill properly. You may want to just look into have a modder in your area do the job instead of risking messing up your stick permanently. To each is own but I say better to be safe than sorry. I’ve been soldering things since PS1 modchip days before there were videos online to show you how to do it. If you do decide to do it yourself, don’t make the stick project the first thing you solder. Solder wires together and stuff like that first to get an idea of how the iron works, etc. Good luck!

I definitely appreciate the concern, but I do have soldering experience. When I was saying “having never done it before” I was referring to soldering to a stick PCB. My concern is which points on the PCB to solder to, which is why I was asking for a guide or video.

found this pic just by typing in “te ps3 pcb” into google.

Just ignore everything except the wire on the home button. That should be your solderpoint.