Anyone can help? im running i5 3570k with a msi g-45 z77 mobo.
bump hoping for an answer. thanks
Is it one of the first gen ones (OG SFIV, Comicom, Femme Fatale, MvC2 or Round 2)? Then those have issues with certain USB chipsets.
yes its the sf 4 TE stick
You will need to use USB 1.0 / 3.0.
If it still does not work, maybe you have the same problem I had. (MSI Z68 chipset.)
go into BIOS > Settings > USB settings > make sure your USB is set to “standard” and not “PCH”.
Mine was set to PCH by default, and the backward compatability for USB 3.0 was not working.
In my usb settings i only have enable disables no things as in standard or pch. =/
So I decided to dust off the old first gen SF4 TE and play on my pc. Did not work. I’m running a Gigabyte z77x-ud5h, which has USB 3.0. No luck.
I dont know why you guys would not have a setting in BIOS for it… I am no expert, but I am certain the problem is not the joystick, but a backward compatability issue with the USB 3.0 controller. (software / driver related).
I would bet the USB are being controlled through PCH (Intel’s Platform Controller Hub), and not standard USB-IF, NEC, or whatever the specific controller could use.
There is not a lot info on the net about it, but many people have problems with USB 3.0 backward compatability, its not just the madcatz joysticks. USB 3.0 has boasted backward compatibility for a long while now, but its still pretty shoddy to this day imo.
I could very well be wrong, but with many people having problems getting their stick to work on USB 3.0, I think my situation is not an isolated case.
USB 3.0 works with USB 2.0 but not USB 1.1
You ether need a USB PCI board that is UHCI compliant, a mother board that is UHCI compliant or replace the Arcade stick’s PCB.
I just purchased and my stick still doesn’t run. Now im stuck with this stick.
If you only intended to use it on PC then you should not have got the PS3 version (which has a bad motherboard for compatibility). Anyone here would tell you to get the 360 version.
You could always dual mod it with a 360 Fightpad to get it working on PC, or swap your stick for a 360 TE.
What OS? I’ve read several comments about Win8 being picky with sticks.
Wasn’t clear from your responses, is the stick being recognized by the OS? If it is and you’re having problems with the buttons, make sure you have the dipstick toggle to LS (not DP or RS).
Is the controller card itself working? For instance have you plugged in a different USB device besides the TE stick to test it?
Honestly as a PC gamer I do not recommend Windows 8 for Gaming.
There are no performance increase for “upgrading” to Windows 8, you loose compatibility with some hardware and software.
Also the Metro interface is atrocious, it is the most non-intuitive GUI I ever seen, and I have used windows 3.0 before, hell command line text only Linux was more user friendly.
*Off topic
I’ve got a separate box from my main gaming one that’s running Win8 for work testing purposes, and it’s not that bad.
You can workaround the metro interface by installing Classic Shell for instance.
Performance wise Win8 definitely makes startup / shutdown times quicker, even on a SSD. And something like Chrome runs better on Win8 than Win7. Gaming wise I’ve only run a few games on it and it’s not any better or worse than Win7.
Of course drivers are still an issue which is why I haven’t switched over because I’ve got some older hardware that Win8 doesn’t like. But once that gets smoothed out by vendors I’m probably switching over. Granted I wouldn’t purposely go out and buy / upgrade from Win7 to Win8 either. But if you’ve got access to it, there is an improvement.
any new info on this? my PS3 blew up and I’d like to use my ps3 TE on my comp…
Please refer to some of the posts above, particularly D3v’s post.
tl;dr format: You have two options:
- Get a newer TE stick that has improved PC compatibility (anything TE-S and newer like the SCV TE or SFxT pro fightsticks should work)
- Get a new USB chipset (requires you to buy it and install into your computer)
I do hate to revive an old thread, but does the PS3 WWE Brawl Stick fall into this category of not being able to work smoothly on PC? I’m looking to grab a cheap fight stick to test on my PC for games and came across the Brawl Stick for $40.
Thank you for Necroing old posts
Please refer to the following threads
[MadCatz PS3 TE FightStick on Win7 32/64-bit](MadCatZ PS3 TE FightStick: PC - Xp- vista- win7 32-64bit (read 1st post)