PS2 controller setup?

sup everyone, i was just curious on your buttonconfig for PS2. Currently im using:

X hk
O lk
square hp
triange lp
L1 mk
L2 HK+HP (exact activation for A)
R1 lp+lk (to make it easier to RC)

ive been mainly using this setup for A-ken…any tips or reccomendations are welcome, thx brandon.

mostly everyone uses a stick

I dont prefer it, but when i do play with a controller its always default, its the best way for me.

how do you play ken without low strong what are you retarded

that’s 3s.

post vids of yourself playing. :slight_smile:
Tested and approved by suckas everywhere (including me)

“how do you play ken without low strong what are you retarded”

No, just a newb…thats why i posted it, go figure someone would ask for advice ina forum.

Heres the deal, you cant play cvs2 or 3s or any street fighter without a stick effectively enough to beat anyone decent. GGXX and Tekkenare accepted pad games because the motions required for the directionals in general are not as complex. if youre really serious about getting good, youll buy a stick.

I’ll put in some effort to spread the legend of…PAD MAN…
(otherwise known as rhythm-mike in the UCI area)

He had a decent enough showing at EVO with his pad skills. He plays 3s. You are able to get decent with pad if you just apply yourself correctly. Which leads me to this…

How come no one has told the poor guy about standard tournament regulations??? Slmgringo, if you ever decide to enter a tournament or something, you should know that you aren’t allowed to map button configurations such as lp&lk (for roll) into one button press. It would be a good idea to not get used to crutches like that…

Try to find PAD MAN if you’re in socal. Once in a while he’ll go to Regency and FFA…he’s the guy who trains with norimoro…also known as Ken…his main character is Makoto. Alright I’ll stop.

The main point in getting a stick is so that you will be good when you step into an arcade.

i can actually play pretty well on a ps2 pad myself, but thats only cuz i learned how to play on a stick first and carried it over to pad.

if you do it the other way around you’ll probably frustrate yourself more because fighting games were designed more for the arcade stick and it really is actually easier to do things on a stick than dpad imo.

i can shoshosho perfectly on pad, but i can’t do more than 10 hits on stick. =D

EO doesn’t count =P.

Hey I first played pad, actually the SFAC pads were really nice (NOT for getting A groove combos down tho, I couldn’t mash uppercuts for shit), before that was I think an old saturn modded pad or something, my friend has had it for awhile (reminds me i need to get it back). Yeah, no custom mapping to macro buttons, I think you can change the pad buttons if it’s like moving lp to hk or something. But I play on DC pad if I ever play pad.