Proximity Block Option Selects. Does Hakan also have this? YES, but on block so far

I am wondering, if the Oil CEO also can do it.

Also here explained:


I am currently not able to do find it out, but maybe someone else has figured this out, so would be glad to know, if is it possible with him.
I would of course appreciate any kind of answers.

Btw is someone going to these location tests for USF4?

Here it is, by the user"remymaru". Credits to him and also thank you very much.

That video doesn’t show anything about it being done during proximity block. It seems like just a normal option select to me.

Edit: Nevermind, it does come out on attack but it would have been nice to show a rekka or something too.

I’ll see if I can find one that OSes something not on block that might be useful.