Prototype - Akuma Shinkuu Hadouken


Not HD

I’m sick to death of Prototype already.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH! Dude it’s like so funny! Because he charges up and does a huge blast! I totally get it!:zzz:

A winner is thread.

A poop is Gandara!

Geek moment - Akuma doesn’t even do the Shinkuu Hadouken, scrub.

Pizza Topping Tiers
Godlike: Bacon, Supreme/Everything on it minus R0YB0T Tier (If Supreme Counts)
High Tier: Pepperoni, Sausage, Other Assorted Veggies
Mid Tier: Olives, Extra Cheese, Ham
R0YB0T Tier: Anchovies, Pineapple, anything else that’s fucking weird and shouldn’t go on top of pizza or be hot.

Chicago Deep Dish equals WIN.

Yeah but he sounded a lot better than ryu doing it.

Oh no you didn’t.

Hai man in star warz force unleashed, i wuz throwing force hadoukenz! LOL!


wow, vague similarities between 2 games. who would have thought

Oh FUCK no.

Hey guys: Pokemon shoryuken! ^___^


The volcano stage in SF4 is the same volcano in RE5.
The airbase stage in SF4 is the same airbase in RE5.

Really? I might be an idiot asking this but the other day when I played re5 i found the volcano very similar.

And now for less fail.


The SF4 Distillery is the link to Tekken’s Sheep stage, that means Tekken vs Street Fighter is near.

Dude you must be bored…2 posts of complete stupidity…

You beat me to it…

  • :bluu:

Pineapple on pizza rules. RTSD.