Protest followed by massive looting in STL

It’s banned in warfare because of the potential methods of retaliation it can provoke. It’s not banned on grounds of lethality.

Tear gas on lesser-armed crowds is effective.

From watching multiple different streams last night, I think it’s pretty clear that several revolutionary/secessionist groups are now stirring shit up at night with the police. Several individuals have said they aren’t even from the area.

I’m rather concerned that this is going to get worse. Several groups have said they are planning to head down in a few days to join things. Hell, even a few of the old Occupy branches are planning to head down and do their thing.


I like how you posted the real reason it’s banned in warfare because all it’s going to do is invite the strawman arguments into the foray. But hey, it happens.

Eh, not much to take from that article. He just bounces all over the place. This is definitely class warfare, but the prejudice and racism in this country aimed towards black men is still pretty obvious and overwhelming. Just because we dont get hung from trees anymore while white people take pictures and smile, doesnt mean we should just let up on the topic of racism and prejudice in this country, watering the topic down by injecting class warfare into it. Class warfare is its own discussion, with elements of race involved, but you could discuss class warfare for an entire day before you even have to bring up race.

Lemme quote some stuff from the article actually.

  1. Before its class warfare, for black people racism and prejduice is ALWAYS the first question. You would have to be a stone cold, naive, fool to just assume you’re targeted more because you are poor, or happen to look like a suspect, rather then the pigment of your skin. That downplaying of prejudice against blacks is why in 2014 we are still having the conversation about race. Race, the thing proven to be a completely made up thing by humans, we still cannot seem to figure out, and its because the conversations about it go nowhere. Oh shit, someone brought up race, lets downplay racism and prejudice, it makes people feel uncomfortable. I wonder why.

  2. Lets not just focus on the past month. How about the past 2 decades. Focus on that, and then tell me if this shit is just about police justification vs discrimination. I’m sure you will come to the conclusion that its obvious discrimination. When a decade plus into the 21st century, you still have a lieutenant of st louis county target blacks, yeah, there is a fucking problem with racial discrimination in this fucking country. That lieutenant got fired too. They always say its not the norm, this is rare, blah blah blah, but yet these stories and investigations continue to pop up all over the country, every fucking year.

Of course the officers harrassed the whistleblower, because how dare you snitch on corruption and racism

  1. He just answered his own question. What is the point in bringing it up if its point is moot anyways? To somehow try to even the playing field for white people, because look, black people can be racist too, even though it has little to no impact on you. LOL.

  2. Thats not a discussion. Police clearly arent being discriminated against, and arent even being fucking properly punished when found guilty of wrong doing. People may say fuck the police all day, and you know what they do about it, not a god damn fucking thing. Its hard to discriminate on someone who can legally kill you because you didnt give up fast enough, had a cellphone in your hand that they thought was a gun, so they killed you, can proposition you for sex to get out of being arrested, and never get in trouble, arrest you for any and all nonsense reasons, or kill you because youre black and celebrating your bachelors party, etc… To even bother bringing this up is beyond me, but i expect nothing from retired basketball player.

  3. Did he just take a line straight from boondocks? LOL. When ann coulter was like, “If blacks dont wanna get arrested, maybe they shouldnt be riding around in stolen cars”. The FBI statistics speak for themselves, black people in this country are not committing more crimes, we’re just going to jail more often for them, and getting longer sentences. Is kareem retarded? lol

Ugh, i hate when celebs get time to shine during moments like this, becuase 90 percent of them are wrong, and or cannot articulate a point to save their lives.

LOL. You kinda forget Nelly is from st louis. I mean thats because he hasnt been relevant for a long time now.

Egyptians riding in on that high horse… oh wait.

Wonder if Obama is sitting in the Oval Office crying his eyes out over this shit

More journalists arrested:



You know someone’s soul is burning if this is marked as off topic. This post is pretty much on point.

Lol you’re expecting this from the same guy who cannot bring himself to call the incident at Ft. Hood an act of terrorism. Instead it’s workplace violence.

'Murrica setting the example.

If this police department is not fired by the end of this…

From nightsticks to night vision: see what your local police are packing. This is a visual timeline of major police technologies. -

If things were a little less serious I’d go right along with this, but this whole debacle is not a joking matter in any form.

It’s doing nothing most of the time, so it’s not in any position to lord little things over others.
Hint hint.

this is how a revolution begins. People get their rights trampled. Other people show up to assist those people. Yet another group shows up that just wants violence (which is necessary, considering the attacks against them). More people gather.

I want this to get bigger. I want the fucking president to stop giving flip flop answers. Every one of his fucking discussions about this are the same “stop looting…but the police need to respect the amendments”. Stop avoiding the issue you fucking cowardly fuck.

Me too.
I want a modern-day re-do of the French Revolution.

So many things would get better if a long list of people bought it.

you can’t have a peaceful revolution. People out there doing ice bucket challenges, and facebook/twitter hashtag nonsense, expecting THAT to make a difference. When sadly, blood must be shed. It will start with police (aka the people protecting the rich corporate fucks), then move on to the rich and politicians. And I will celebrate.

Sov aren’t you Canadian? Of course someone from another country would wish a bloody, violent revolution that doesn’t involve them. :coffee:

Of course things need to change here in America, but I don’t think anyone really wants blood to be shed except for these extremist groups that appear to be in Ferguson right now.

There won’t be a revolution

what affects you affects me. You’re forgetting I’m less than an hour away from the border, like most Canadians.

And your country needs a revolution, to thin out the numbers. Even your forefather’s admitted this.