Proof that. YBA is a legitimate SNES joystick arrangement

Japanese Hori “multistick” for PC Engine (TurboGrafx 16 with pin head change adapter) Mega Drive (Genesis) and Super Famicom (SNES) back in the day original joystick on eBay:

I screen capped this picture. I know ZERO Japanese, but based on Greco-Roman letters and Roman Numerals, PCE has 2 button and 6 button modes, MD has 3 button and 6 button modes, and SNES has “pre SF” and “post SF” arrangements aka YBA and BAR.

If lots of real licensed joysticks have YBA mode, why shouldn’t Brook add a YBA mode in Retro Board and PS4 to SNES adapter?

It works great for Super Mario World, super ghouls and ghosts, Castlevania 4, Contra 3, and Mega Man X, and that’s just off the top of my head.

Yes BAR mode does work well for Street Fighter, and some other fighters, but you have extra buttons you don’t need for SNES controls. Why not make that a YBA/BAR selector?

I still don’t know why you’re barking up this tree.

Custom PCBs like the Brooks Retro or the MC Cthulhu are primarily designed for fighting games in mind. So they will always do what’s most suitable for fighters; everything else is just “if it works well, cool, if not, eh”.

While you’re not wrong that arcade sticks can be used nicely for other types of games, the reality is that the majority of the stick users out there don’t actually care to use them for non-fighters. And those that do will make do with the standard fighting-game-oriented BAR layout.

Take it from me, I spent the majority of my SNES-playing days using this controller with a YBA layout:

and even I don’t care about getting a YBA layout for my arcade sticks.

The reality is that if you want a YBA layout for your stick, you’ll have to do it yourself.
If Brook or whoever happens to add it, cool, all the power to you, but I really would not count on it.


Does not matter which way the PCB has it for the button playout.
You are using wiring from the PCB to the top panel anyways, just wire the panel in the layout you want.

I always felt that YBA layout was stupid back in the day anyways.

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