Project Leo: Sixaxis + Wireless 360 dual mod

I just got my board yesterday. I followed the directions in the instructions on the first page for a single mod, but I’m using a regular sixaxis battery for the moment and it doesn’t seem to work. When plugged in for the first time, the sixaxis charged, but it does not respond to me pressing the “PS button”.

Is there anything special I have to do when using the stock battery? Has anyone else experienced a similar problem?

I’ve uploaded two photos and have highlighted the screws that I’m using for the PS button.IMG_0025 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I’ve tested and swapped the wires, and swapped buttons, but no success so far. I’m not seeing any signs of physical damage on the leo either. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

–edit - Fixed. I had forgotten the ground wire between the Leo and the sixaxis. Thank you for spotting that, Gummowned!

Finally got around to soldering up my Leo2 kit I’ve had for a few months. Now I need a case to put it in, either that or replace my OG leo in El Guapo.

Hey guys!

Complete newbie here!

I have a few questions and I think this is the right place to ask them (if not I am sorry and I would kindly ask you to direct me to the place where it would be alright for me to ask them:confused:)

So I am thinking of buying and moding a SF4 TE with the leo board. I want it to work only on the ps3 so untill now no problem, the questions come now:

1st- How would I charge the thing? Would I be able to use the cable on the stick to do that?

2nd- Would I be able to use the player indicator lights?

And I think that’s all!(keep in mind that all this is being written by a guy that never worked with arcade sticks and console controllers for that matter) Thanks in advance guys! :woot:

Your PS3 SIXAXIS PCB will still have the Mini USB port connected to it. Connect a long mini USB to Male USB cord to the PCB, and it will charge just like it would if it were still as a controller. If you want to use the stock TE USB cable, you will have to solder. You can connect the Leo v2 just fine without soldering, excluding the home button.

The player indicator lights are possible, but it’s a more difficult mod. I’m not sure how it’s done. I know jamesepoop did the mod, though.

Thanks for the help! My biggest problem is that I am portuguese so some of the instructions are kind of hard to understand! but I’ll keep you guys updated , probably gonna start next month!


…I thought when you plug in a wireless modded stick (360/PS3) via USB its just charging the battery and does not suddenly make it a wired stick?

Basically, its still wireless but just charging the battery when plugged in?

Anybody know for sure?

wireless 360 controllers will still be connected to the system wirelessly. Sixaxis and DS3 controllers will communicate through usb when plugged in.

Have any more of these PCB’s, i would like to purchase one and a battery as well , just posting here to see if you have any before i send paypal

Thanks for the info, I’m wanting to use these in two 360 TE MVC2 sticks I’m modding. I want them to be PS3/360 wired & wireless capable.

A few questions:

  1. Since the PS3 when plugged in is wired, I can switch the 4PDT switch to PS3 and I’m good to go for wired PS3 play right?

  2. Can I use the 360 Madcrapz PCB in the “Misc PCB” side of the Leo for my 360 wired play (I think its common ground)? If so, can I use the USB cable coming off the Leo for wired 360 play or do I need a separate USB cable for that (2 neutric adapters)?

  3. What position does the 4PDT switch need to be in to engage the “Misc PCB” portion of the Leo? Neutral?

  4. Is the 18650 Battery better than the one that comes with the Sony Sixaxis PCB?

Sorry for the multiple noob questions, I’m just trying to make sure my build plans are solid.

What is the best way to install Project Leo in a Tatsunoko vs Capcom Fightstick? Wire the same as the piiwee?

  1. Yes.

  2. Yes, you can use a madcatz 360 pad for the misc pcb side. You’d have to have a separate usb cable for this pad if you are hooking up a usb cable from the sixaxis and wireless 360 pad to the switch. Or you could have one single usb cable if you wire the usb of the sixaxis and madcatz 360 pad to the switch. You then would need to have the sync button on the wireless 360 pcb wired to the stick.

  3. Neutral if doing the dual usb cable method. Flipped to one side if doing the single cable method.

  4. The 18650 battery has almost 5x more capacity than the stock sixaxis battery.

Yes, wire it up as if the tvc pcb was a piiwee.

First, awesome project!

Second, what kind of play time do you think that 18650 translates to with arceye (buttons and joystick)? Looking through your pics I found a couple jobs you did with wireless and LED. I didn’t know if you played around with them to find battery life.


I don’t really know what the play time would be.

just some simple math would show that a 3000mah battery could keep a arceye @ 40ma (2 leds @ 20ma each) fully lit for 75 hours.

This is weird. I have a dual wireless stick with Leo v2 and decided to use it in MvC3 on PS3 today. The R2 and L2 buttons didn’t work but they worked in all other games though. The stick worked perfectly on 360 too.

Is this a known issue? I am not sure what’s wrong…

there is an issue with L2/R2 not working for some games on ps3 (360 is not affected). Unfortantly MvC3 is one of those games. Temp work around for this is to use R1 and L1 instead.

I doubt this is an issue with the leo itself, but when i connected it to the sixaxis pcb, it would not connect to my ps3 at all with or without the charging cable connected. Is this a common thing or did i just follow those step by step instructions wrong?

Bump in hopes of a reply. i have tried connecting it to a pc first as was suggested by TRNG from akishop using the correct drivers for a sixaxis and still no luck. I really lost as to why it will not connect to my ps3 or a any computer i’ve tried it on. The sixaxis controller itself connected just fine before I attached it to the leo. any help would be immensely appreciated.

Something suspiciously similar happened to me. The difference was, in Windows, if I tried connecting it repeatedly, around the 5th time or so, Windows would detect it and some buttons would work.

Are you using the stock Sixaxis battery? If so, did you run a ground wire between any ground screw terminal and a ground point on the sixaxis? What driver are you using in Windows for your tests? Got photos of the assembled board connected to the sixaxis?

This happened to me before, where the controller will not maintain a wireless sync and only works if directly plugged in. If the reset button on the controller doesn’t work, you have to format your ps3 and re-install the OS (dont do it until PSN is back up). As soon as i did it, the issue went away.