Project: All custom MVC2 DC Edition

Always with the dam negative attitude Sergio. :lame:

this is what I’m trying to do. Instead of people asking for the text code and what the colors look like, I hope to have the pictures with the text code right next to it for easy access to custom colors. I’m accepting all custom colors @ the moment.

if you upload them to the net and then post the text codes here, I can reorganize onto that site. Dunno the max capacity though and if it gets to full, I can always make another page. Once I have enough colors, I plan to sort them by character so you can just browse through them easy.

In the future, I also want a section for specials\supers. Currently, its very crude but I don’t think anyone will care as long as the colors can be accessed easily.

Looks great, Made 2 more just cause I was bored.
These arent in my game though.

If you want ill send you the code for 1 color per character, browse and chose wisely.

I have already done this

it toke me 8 f!"&ng monts but i did it!. All 6 palletes for all 56 character and abyss modified (including special moves) and music. i was not workin nor studying when i did it so i dedicated 14 hours per day every day for the 8 monts -_- (im not proud about this, by the way).
and excuse my english im mexican and live in mex. so hope u understand my englihs.

Care to share?

I see a mango Sentinel.