Problems with screen not fitting tv for UMVC3

I have a problem with UMVC3 with the screen not fitting the my Samsung Tv. This was noticeable on MVC3, but for UMVC3 it’s worst because I can literally move my characters where they will be completely off the screen on the edges. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem as well and any help is appreciated.

Yep, samsung tv here as well. Same problem.

I’m working with a 32in 1080p Samsung TV, hopefully I won’t encounter this issue tonight.

maybe a dumb question but is it an HD tv? My SD tv cuts out alot on the sides but I don’t have a problem on the HD tv

I figured out the problem, you just have to readjust the Tv settings and make sure it’s on 16:9

The only problem I had with my Samsung TV is that both huds were out of place. But fix that by moving the positions in the option menu.

Thanks for the update rDantic.

I had the out of place HUD’s in Vanilla, Samsung 32" 1080p. I just fixed those, though. Other than that, I encountered no problems, and hopefully won’t in Ultimate, either.