This is my first topic here in SRK, but I visit here frequently since may 2009.
I am a Sagat player and since Vega is not a very popular character, when I play against him becomes a difficult task to win, especially because his Flying Barcelona Attack.
I dont know what to do againt FBA. If a Focus, I got Izuna Dropped. If I early jump with HP, I got Izuna Dropped or attacked. I can’t just walk away because Sagat is very slow.
YAEOOOOOOOH. What I do is if Vega does barcelona, I crouch mash the corners (from 6 to 9 to 6 to 9) then when he comes near me I delay as much as possible and TU with jab. Needs good timing, but best solution imo. Like you said, the others you can get hit/izuna dropped.
I play against a friend who plays with Claw and even I seeing he is not better than me, he just use FBA over and over and kills my Sagat (my main). If I pick another character (honda, for example) I rape him. But not my Sagat.
if they are going for the grab, i think you can crouch and they won’t be able to grab you. Jumping makes it easier for them to grab you… Of course if you’re crouching, the claw swipe will come out instead. After getting one or two FBA you should be TUing it.