Hi guys, first of all, I stay in a dorm during the week and I am using their cable internet which is in fact very fast and provides low ping of around 20ms in most games. That said, I don’t have acces to the router settings.
Now to the problem:
When I launch SFV, I usually log in to the servers no problem and get no disconnect error. When I attempt to search for a casual or ranked match, the search seems to take forever but I don’t get any error message. I am ocasionally able to play 1 game but then the game gets stuck searching for opponent after the set with the first opponent ends. As soon as I try to connect to a lobby - boom error 1006, disconnected from the server and I’m not able to log in for a while. I know the problem is not with my laptop because during the weekends I can play just fine at home. Is there any suggestion you guys have or am I screwed because I can’t open ports? Any help is appreciated.