Problems connecting up game in Kaillera

I stopped playing on Kaillera about 2 months ago (Both in regular Kaillera and P2P, using MAME 117 for regular Kaillera and MAME 119 for P2P) but I wanted to come back sometime last month.

I was having internet issues then, due to my ISP, but everything is fixed now. My ping is low and good and stable.

I was trying to get Kaillera to work the past 2 days, and it doesn’t seem to work for me anymore (Kaillera only, I haven’t tried P2P yet)

This is what happens:

Usually when I host or enter a game, it loads up the game, and then it connects to the other person with some sort of “countdown” to sync up.
It doesn’t do that anymore; the screen is just still black, and their is no countdown.

It automatically disconnects me in about 2 minutes.

However, when I try to start a Kaillera game, by myself online, it works 100% of the time (I know it’s online because of the slight lag, and that the computer is really easy to defeat. I set all of my games on highest difficulty, so I know when I’m playing normal difficulty)

Has anyone had this problem before?
If so, do you know how to solve it?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I can’t find MAME117 anymore, only 118 and 119 are up on that japanese webpage
Which Kaillera client are you using?

Does anyone still have MAME 117 for download?

its on supraclient’s website. the .117

Ok, I tried that, and it got even worse…

Before, I could play myself vs computer on Kaillera.

Now, I can’t even do that; it get stuck at the black login screen, with no countdown thingie

Make sure you have all the right files, the no cd bios and what not.

Then make sure you have a good working version of the kaillera client. Try getting the p2p client, but connect with it in client mode anyway.

I used to get the “memory error” with the default client, but now using the p2p one, I never see it.

Fuck kaillera