Okay… so I just got my TE stick today (I’m a complete SF noobie fyi) and for some reason my stick will not work in the first usb slot of my ps3… it just sits there and blinks all the turbo buttons on and off… well my friend brought his ps3 TE to try in the first slot… and his works just fine… oh… and mine works great in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th slots… just not in the 1st usb slot…
I thought this might be an issue with my ps3… but like i said… that slot works great with my friends TE… and it recharges controllers just fine… What’s the deal??? :xeye:
That was my next course of action, but I’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that…
but, I guess my stick technically does work… I just don’t won’t it to start doing that to all my slots… I want to figure out and address the problem before it breaks completely (if it does) and i can’t return it anymore…
Well… i tried it on the first slot of my friends ps3 and it seemed to work fine… so I guess it is my usb slot… I just don’t understand why his TE will work in that slot and mine won’t…