Press Releases for Evo 2K5?

I was reading here in the Happy Holidays thread that there was some interest in doing press releases for the next coming Evo.
I was wondering if I could help with the Evo 2k5 press release distribution on my side of the world, ie. the East Coast. While I do feel that it may not appeal to everyone, I know that there are many players on Staten Island that are interested in fighting games. While I’m still in the beginning stages of unifying fighters in my community, I feel that a press release would prove to be a great catalyst for community growth in the years to come.

Who do u know from SI?

Like…nobody. However, it won’t stop me from advertising it at the CSI gameroom, as well as other places in NYC, like web2zone and such.

Yeah, they know me at the CSI gamerooom.

I’ll PM you from now on to continue this convo.


nice idea but that will never work with my community the last time we played competitvely was when the PS2 came out and now the people here are to obsessed with Counter-Strike. i never had fun playing shooting games it seems like the killers way to me. :confused:

That’d be sad, if any place in NYC outside of CTF had no interest in fighting games. But eh, it was worth a shot.

I am not trying to be negative, but I dont think you know what a press release really is…

Press releases are note sent by fax (usually) to news vehicles, in the hope of getting your event/product/whatever in the news. It is a great way to have great exposition with a very very low cost (its like advertising with more credibility, and for free), but it must follow a specific format.

There are several books that teach how to do it at, but Evo organizers apparently feel pride in making the event as amateur as possible. Againm, not trying to eb negative, but reading a couple of marketing books coud make the events better and get real money out of it. I hope they go for it )press/news releases) and I wish them the best of luck.

hey my dad owns a store in Manhattan maybe if i get posters i can ask him to hang it up.

i think putting up posters and such and handing out flyers around wherever you live would help out greatly, get as many people interested and involved.

I do know, apparently. I’m just offering help with publicity as well. I wouldn’t mind offering my services and send them to other companies since I work for one.
Also, since Ink’s PM box is full, I decided to just post it here.
Maybe I should rename it: What can the SRK community can do to help promote EVO2K5?

Don’t get me wrong. Your post was a great idea. I just felt like explaining news releases because they are one of the most effective marketing tools available, especially when you’re in a very tight budget (I believe this to be Evo’s case)