Practicing this game by myself

How would I go about practicing by myself? I dont have anyone to play against. :frowning:

I think the best you can do on your own is practice your chops. Practice things like combos, reversal timing, any tricks specific to your characters (Partitioned moves, walk-up 360, etc.). If you play against a computer opponent, you can also practice your reaction to a certain extent; however, playing the computer too much can learn you some very bad habits, so be careful.

You need Anniversary Collection and Capcom Classics Collection 2. Actual tourny speed is turbo 2 in both games so that’s what you’ll need to use. In Anniversary collection use the training mode and select SuperT, choose your fighters. Press start go to training option turn guard to no guard and turn S.P gauge to infinity.
Begin practicing/learn the following: Normals, Specials, Supers, move ranges, and appx. damage values for all characters.
Next start practicing combos and learn the timing for command inputs.
Once again go to training Options and turn action to CPU. This is where you learn your strengths/weaknesses for fighters. Select diff. opp. each time you practice (this prevents you from remembering patterns which is the worst thing you can do when training alone). Use the Cpu to learn some match ups, practice reflexes, move execution, counters, lock downs (locking down the cpu by knowing the best order of commands to give the greatest range of chance)*

Now, do this everyday until you can execute all moves and combos for all fighters 100% of the time. Next load ST in CCC2. Set the diff. to hardest (I always use Hardest, but that’s me). Play the game again and again until you have fast enough reflexes to dominate every CPU character. Remember to not rely on patterns, ONLY on reflexes and training knowledge. CCC2 is the arcade version but has no training CPU, so you need AC to help train and CCC2 to get ready for the arcades and get the feel (ST feels/looks diff. on each version).
Pick maybe 2 or 3 characters that you like and Master them.

Use to listen and learn from pros. Use the wiki, t.akiba’s page, posts, and tourny vids (these are all very important). You NEED to buy a stick and learn to use it, as that’s what you’ll use in tournys (stick’s actually easier to execute moves than d-pad IMO).

You have to play other people to get tourny ready. If you’ve done everything else I told you you should be ready for human opp.

*there are certain moves for every character that leave you with a lot of options; i.e. you leave your opp. with only a certain number of moves/opportunities to attack.

I assume you got the net since your posting here, so get yourself a cheap second hand xbox with sf:ac, get yourself on hsf2 on xbox live and play away. Not ideal but better than playing against the cpu.

The joy of this game has to do with playing other people, whether you are winning or losing. If you are having a hard time finding someone to practice with, you’ll have a hard time finding someone to play competitively against, and then the game just won’t be as much fun. I guess chess wouldn’t be a terrible comparision?

Yeah your right. i think theres some groups in Chi town that play but Im kinda afraid to show my face because I really really suck

First of all, it seems I havent progressed at all. When it comes down to it, i lose because I cant execute my moves properly. Even when im playing O saget a High punch will come out instead of a fireball and Im left dumbfounded.

Im using the official tekken 5 stick btw.

I dont even know if I want to playa nymore. I get my ass wooped so hard on the easiest difficulty of ST2, its aggravating.

Watch some top level matches. It’ll help more than reading any guide ever will.
As for execution, it will come in time. To progress though, you need to face better opponents. If all you ever do is fight the CPU, you won’t really get anywhere, because the CPU works in pre-programmed patterns and by reading your input, so it’ll never fight the way a real person does.

The best reason you can have to learn/play this game is wanting to win.

stop playing at home and meetup with the chicago players. don’t be embarrassed, just go play and learn

Honestly if the offline scene isnt something your ready for or do not have access to. Playing it online is an option. I play online All the time against players like zazzaman and afro legends. It helps out my game quite a bit. You might wanna try that. Just a suggestion you dont have to take it

If you’re gonna play it online, I wouldn’t suggest using anything worse than “excellent” connection. It’s impossible to VC/Anti-air or engage in any kind of footsies properly on good.

Honestly, the only real advice to give if you aren’t able to play other people is: don’t play a lot of the computer. You will learn almost nothing from playing against them. You’re better off playing Training Mode for hours instead of playing the CPU. THe CPU can teach you some seriously bad habits and tendencies.

huh? say wuh? :confused:

For the last time, turbo 2 in world/US versions.
Turbo 3 in Japanese versions. Japanese ST cabinets go up to turbo 4.

Here’s some perspective on playing alone.
I’ve played pretty much by myself everyday for the last 1.5 yrs. I went back to my hometown for the holidays. All my friends have still been practicing at the arcade. I use to get spanked in 9/10 matches (they’ve competed in several tournys in china).
I beat them down in 80% of the matches. I even beat them in games like 3S, CvS2, and Alpha Anthology. The only reason is because I practice exactly how I posted. ST will make an expert executioner out of you. Even parrying is simple with excellent reflexes. I’ve since decided to begin training online to learn more mind games. Human opp. are the best but when you don’t have any I know my method worked.
Match Ups
Mind Games. “NKI”